Showing 41 - 50 of 133 results

  • Exploring Christology and Atonement: Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance, By Andrew Purves

    Exploring Christology and Atonement

    Conversations with John McLeod Campbell, H. R. Mackintosh and T. F. Torrance

    by Andrew Purves

    Andrew Purves, the author of many works in pastoral theology, has spent his life exploring the significance of Jesus Christ for the life of the church. As a professor of historical theology, he has also investigated the significance of patristic and Reformed theology for understanding Christ. In Exploring Christology and Atonement, Purves brings these concerns together. If pastoral theology ...

  • The Adoptee's Journey: From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment, By Cameron Lee Small

    The Adoptee's Journey

    From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment

    by Cameron Lee Small

    Every adoption is rooted in loss.

    Adoption is often framed by happy narratives, but the reality is that many adoptees struggle with unaddressed trauma and issues of identity and belonging. Adoptees often spend the majority of their youth without the language to explore the grief related to adoption or the permission to legitimize their conflicting emotions.

    Adoptee and ...

  • Living in Bonus Time: Surviving Cancer, Finding New Purpose, By Alec Hill

    Living in Bonus Time

    Surviving Cancer, Finding New Purpose

    by Alec Hill

    Cancer confronts us with our mortality. But cancer survivors find ourselves with a second chance for life. We grapple with profound questions: Why am I still here? How did I survive when others didn't? Where is God in all this? And how should I live differently now? Those who experience and survive cancer live in bonus time, a season of grace that can be both disorienting and wonderful. ...

  • Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness, By Matthew S. Stanford

    Grace for the Afflicted

    A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. As both a church leader and a professor of psychology and behavioral sciences, Matthew S. Stanford has seen far too many mentally ...