Showing 491 - 500 of 3248 results

  • God the Almighty: Power, Wisdom, Holiness, Love, By Donald G. Bloesch

    God the Almighty

    Power, Wisdom, Holiness, Love

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    The doctrine of God is receiving renewed and vigorous attention in theology. Even a cursory examination of recent scholarship reveals what leading evangelical theologian Donald Bloesch describes as "a mounting controversy over the concept of God." God is variously portrayed as vulnerable (Jürgen Moltmann, Clark Pinnock), as lover (Norman Pittenger, Ronald Goetz), as friend (Alfred North Whitehead, ...

  • We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord, Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    The resurrection changed everything. "But for the resurrection," writes Mark J. Edwards, "there would have been no reason to argue for a union of two natures in the person of Christ, let alone for a dyad or triad in the Godhead. All that he had said and done in the course of his earthly ministry would have sat well enough with the character of a prophet who excelled such predecessors ...

  • The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer

    The Gospel of the Son of God

    An Introduction to Matthew

    by David R. Bauer

    From beginning to end, the very structure of the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God.

    At climactic points Jesus is so identified—by Peter, by a Roman centurion, by Jesus himself, and by God the Father. With The Gospel of the Son of God, David Bauer provides a comprehensive introduction to this Gospel that has been so foundational to the Christian ...

  • Does God Exist?: A History of Answers to the Question, By W. David Beck

    Does God Exist?

    A History of Answers to the Question

    by W. David Beck

    Does God exist?

    Throughout the history of philosophical and theological reflection, this fundamental question has prompted a range of responses.

    In one incisive volume, philosopher W. David Beck offers a narrative of pre-Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, and Islamic arguments for God's existence. Here, readers will encounter both classical and contemporary arguments, ...

  • Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism, Edited by Elijah Hixson and Peter J. Gurry

    Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism

    Edited by Elijah Hixson and Peter J. Gurry
    Foreword by Daniel B. Wallace

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist and Runner Up

    Since the unexpected popularity of Bart Ehrman's bestselling Misquoting Jesus, textual criticism has become a staple of Christian apologetics.

    Ehrman's skepticism about recovering the original text of the New Testament does deserve a response. However, this renewed apologetic interest ...

  • The Cross of Christ, By John Stott

    The Cross of Christ

    by John Stott
    Foreword by Alister McGrath

    "I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross. . . . In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it?" With compelling honesty John Stott confronts readers with the centrality of the cross in God's redemption of our pain-filled world.

    Can we see triumph in tragedy, victory in shame? Why should an object of Roman distaste and ...

  • The Message of Ezra & Haggai, By Robert Fyall

    The Message of Ezra & Haggai

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Robert Fyall

    Few sermons or Bible studies focus on Ezra or Haggai, two brief Old Testament books named for relatively unknown figures. But the message of both of these books—their emphasis on building for God, obedience to his Word, and openness to his Spirit—is one that needs to be heard clearly today.

    In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Robert Fyall's pairing of Ezra with Haggai enhances ...

  • We Believe in the Holy Spirit, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    We Believe in the Holy Spirit

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    "The Spirit blows where it pleases," Jesus said to Nicodemus. "You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

    The Spirit, like the wind, is hard to pin down. Any discussion of the Spirit is fraught with the difficulty of speaking about something or someone who defies definition and who purposely ...

  • Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos, By Julian of Eclanum

    Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Julian of Eclanum
    Edited and Translated by Thomas P. Scheck

    "Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind . . . "

    Julian of Eclanum (c. 386–455) was the bishop of Eclanum, located in modern-day Italy. In this volume in IVP's Ancient Christian Texts series, Thomas Scheck provides a new translation of Julian's commentaries on the biblical books of Job and those of three Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, and Amos. Here, readers will gain ...