Showing 501 - 510 of 2863 results

  • Walking Gently on the Earth: Making Faithful Choices About Food, Energy, Shelter and More, By Lisa Graham McMinn and Megan Anna Neff

    Walking Gently on the Earth

    Making Faithful Choices About Food, Energy, Shelter and More

    by Lisa Graham McMinn and Megan Anna Neff

    • 2010 Foreword Book of the Year

    God created the world in a delicate balance for the good of all plants, animals and people. Tragically, though, from the Fall to today, we as humans have lived in ways that keep living things--including fellow human beings--from surviving at all, much less flourishing. But we can change that. Sociologist and author Lisa ...

  • A Field Guide to Narnia, By Colin Duriez

    A Field Guide to Narnia

    by Colin Duriez
    Foreword by Brian Sibley

    Are you traveling to Narnia? No matter if this is your first visit to C. S. Lewis's wonderful fantasy world or if you've been there many times, you'll want to bring along this handy companion to the landscape and inhabitants of Narnia, including an A-to-Z guide to characters, places, objects and events. From Narnia expert Colin Duriez you'll learn

    • more about the mind behind Narnia
    • how ...
  • Finding God in the Questions: A Personal Journey, By Timothy Johnson

    Finding God in the Questions

    A Personal Journey

    by Timothy Johnson

    • Named one of the 2004 Top Ten Religious Books by the Massachusetts Bible Society
    • #8 on the New York Times Hardcover Advice Bestseller List! (June 14, 2004)
    • #7 on the Publishers Weekly Religion Hardcover Bestseller List (October 2004)

    Do you wonder whether or not God is real?

    Do you doubt that religion can be relevant?

    Do ...

  • More Bricks Less Straw: Doing More with Less - Ancient Keys to Unlocking Potential and Increasing Productivity Within Your Organization, By Dave Farrington

    More Bricks Less Straw

    Doing More with Less - Ancient Keys to Unlocking Potential and Increasing Productivity Within Your Organization

    by Dave Farrington

    In today's cutthroat business environment, leaders are expected to do more with less. Bottom lines are on the increase; available resources on the decrease. Worse, managers must achieve these grand goals while keeping morale at an all-time high. This isn't just a trend. It's the state of business today. And really, it's nothing new. In ancient Egypt, the Israelite slaves were forced to make more ...

  • Black Fire: One Hundred Years of African American Pentecostalism, By Estrelda Y. Alexander

    Black Fire

    One Hundred Years of African American Pentecostalism

    by Estrelda Y. Alexander

    Estrelda Alexander was raised in an urban, black, working-class, oneness Pentecostal congregation in the 1950s and 1960s, but she knew little of her heritage and thought that all Christians worshiped and believed as she did. Much later she discovered that many Christians not only knew little of her heritage but considered it strange. Even today, most North Americans remain ignorant of black Pentecostalism. ...

  • Introduction to Political Science: A Christian Perspective, By Fred Van Geest

    Introduction to Political Science

    A Christian Perspective

    by Fred Van Geest

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017

    We are political beings and our lives are shaped by political institutions. Being a good citizen involves understanding these institutions and how they can be used to promote the common good. Christians further believe these institutions are integral to God's created order, intended ...

  • Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter

    Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option

    One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism

    by Jenny Booth Potter
    Foreword by Austin Channing Brown

    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization. She decided that racism in all its forms—in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families–could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn't know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing ...

  • A Place for Truth: Leading Thinkers Explore Life's Hardest Questions, Edited by Dallas Willard

    A Place for Truth

    Leading Thinkers Explore Life's Hardest Questions

    Veritas Books

    Edited by Dallas Willard

    Many today pursue knowledge and even wisdom. But what about truth? In an age that disputes whether truth can be universalized beyond one's own personal experience, it seems quaint to speak of finding truth. But whether in the ivory towers of the academy or in the midst of our everyday lives, we continue to seek after the true, the beautiful and the good. Since its founding at Harvard in 1992, The ...

  • Starting Something New: Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream, By Beth A. Booram

    Starting Something New

    Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream

    by Beth A. Booram

    Do you have a dream? Do you have a creative idea stirring within you to do something different or start something new? If so, you're not alone. Many people have God-given dreams but don?t know how to discern what they are and develop them into something real. Most of these dreamers aren't business people or experienced entrepreneurs. They're just sincere Christ-followers who need a spiritual and ...

  • Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker

    Centered-Set Church

    Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism

    by Mark D. Baker

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be "a good Christian" and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?

    The late missionary ...