Showing 501 - 510 of 2020 results

  • Knowing God Through the Old Testament: Three Volumes in One, By Christopher J.H. Wright

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament

    Three Volumes in One

    by Christopher J.H. Wright

    Combining three volumes into one, Knowing God Through the Old Testament brings together three of Christopher J. H. Wright's best loved books: Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, and Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament. Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament explores images ...

  • Why I Am Not a Calvinist, By Jerry L. Walls and Joseph R. Dongell Why I Am Not a Calvinist, By Jerry L. Walls and Joseph R. Dongell

    Why I Am Not a Calvinist

    by Jerry L. Walls and Joseph R. Dongell

    What's wrong with Calvinism? Since the Reformation, Calvinism has dominated much of evangelical thought. It has been so well established that many Christians simply assume it to be the truest expression of Christian doctrine. But Calvinism has some serious biblical and theological weaknesses that unsettle laypeople, pastors and scholars alike. God is sovereign. All evangelical Christians--whether ...

  • Sanctification: Explorations in Theology and Practice, Edited by Kelly M. Kapic Sanctification: Explorations in Theology and Practice, Edited by Kelly M. Kapic


    Explorations in Theology and Practice

    Edited by Kelly M. Kapic

    Often treated like the younger sibling in theology, the doctrine of sanctification has spent the last few decades waiting not-so-patiently behind those doctrines viewed as more senior. With so much recent interest in ideas like election and justification, the question of holiness can often seem to be of secondary importance, and widespread misunderstanding of sanctification as moralism or undue ...

  • The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God's Speakability, By Archie J. Spencer The Analogy of Faith: The Quest for God's Speakability, By Archie J. Spencer

    The Analogy of Faith

    The Quest for God's Speakability

    Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology

    by Archie J. Spencer

    If God is transcendent, how can human beings speak meaningfully about him? For centuries philosophers and theologians have asked whether and how it is possible to talk about God. The shared answer to this question goes by the name of "analogy," which recognizes both similarity and difference between the divine being and human language. In the twentieth century, Karl Barth, Erich Przywara, Hans ...

  • The Love of God: A Canonical Model, By John C. Peckham The Love of God: A Canonical Model, By John C. Peckham

    The Love of God

    A Canonical Model

    by John C. Peckham

    Readers' Choice Award Winner

    "For God so loved the world . . ."

    We believe these words, but what do they really mean? Does God choose to love, or does God love necessarily? Is God's love emotional? Does the love of God include desire or enjoyment? Is God's love conditional? Can God receive love from human beings?

    Attempts to answer these questions ...

  • We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry, By G. K. Beale We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry, By G. K. Beale

    We Become What We Worship

    A Biblical Theology of Idolatry

    by G. K. Beale

    The heart of the biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we take on the characteristics of what we worship. Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation. Beale concludes with an application of the biblical notion of idolatry to the challenges of contemporary ...

  • Recapturing the Wesleys' Vision: An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley, By Paul Wesley Chilcote Recapturing the Wesleys' Vision: An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley, By Paul Wesley Chilcote

    Recapturing the Wesleys' Vision

    An Introduction to the Faith of John and Charles Wesley

    by Paul Wesley Chilcote

    Scholar and teacher Paul Wesley Chilcote provides a full and clear introduction to the dynamic faith of John and Charles Wesley. The vital theology of John is skillfully gleaned from his voluminous writings. The corresponding faith of Charles is culled from his enduring hymns. For students and general readers this book illuminates the vital balance the Wesleys found in Christian teaching that ...

  • The Relational Pastor: Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves, By Andrew Root

    The Relational Pastor

    Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves

    by Andrew Root

    One of the Academy of Parish Clergy's "Top 10 Books for Parish Ministry"

    When is the last time you asked yourself hard questions about why you were pursuing certain relationships in your ministry? Could it be that the end game for many of us is not relationship per se but loyalty, adherence, even submission? The sheep in our flock become the means to our end: pastoring becomes ...

  • Eternal Living: Reflections on Dallas Willard's Teaching on Faith and Formation, Edited byGary W. Moon

    Eternal Living

    Reflections on Dallas Willard's Teaching on Faith and Formation

    Edited by Gary W. Moon
    Contributions by John Ortberg, Jane Willard, Richard J. Foster, James Bryan Smith, and J. P. Moreland
    Featuring Dallas Willard

    Dallas Willard spent his life making eternal living concrete for his friends. With his unexpected passing in 2013, the world lost a brilliant mind. The wide breadth of his impact inspired friends, family, colleagues, students and leaders of the church to gather their reflections on this celebrated yet humble theologian and philosopher. Richard Foster, a friend for over forty years, writes of Dallas: ...

  • Theology of Mission: A Believers Church Perspective, By John Howard Yoder Theology of Mission: A Believers Church Perspective, By John Howard Yoder

    Theology of Mission

    A Believers Church Perspective

    by John Howard Yoder
    Edited by Gayle Gerber Koontz and Andy Alexis-Baker

    • 2014 Best Texts of Missiology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    John Howard Yoder, author of The Politics of Jesus (1972), was best known for his writing and teaching on Christian pacifism. The material in Theology of Mission shows he was a profound missiologist as well. Working from a believers or free church perspective, Yoder effortlessly ...