Showing 501 - 510 of 2912 results

  • A0036


    The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus

    The Fullness of Time

    by Wesley Hill

    "He is risen indeed!"

    Easter Sunday is the holiest day of the year, a day when even those who don't usually observe the Christian calendar or attend liturgical churches greet each other with the proclamation "Christ is risen!"

    But Easter is more than a day—it's a season even longer than Lent. In fact, for the Christian who has died with Christ and been brought to life ...

  • Isaiah 1–39, Edited by Jeff Fisher

    Isaiah 1–39

    Old Testament Volume 10A

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Jeff Fisher

    "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?'

    Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me.'"

    In his interpretation of Isaiah's vision of God and subsequent sending, the Anabaptist reformer Menno Simons perceived a pattern for all prophets, apostles, ministers, and preachers who are called and then sent out to spread the ...

  • Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission, By J. D. Payne

    Strangers Next Door

    Immigration, Migration and Mission

    by J. D. Payne

    More than ever, North America is being flooded by people from all around the world, many of them here illegally. How should the church respond to these sojourners among us? In Strangers Next Door professor of evangelism and church planting J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of migrations of peoples to Western nations and explores how the church should respond in light of the mission ...

  • paperback

    "I Believe"

    Exploring the Apostles' Creed

    by Alister McGrath

    • What are the basics of Christian belief?
    • How can you know the most important elements of the faith?
    • When you hear people talk about doctrines that seem unfamiliar, how can you know if they are at the core of Christianity or outside the center?

    The basics of Christian faith have remained the same for centuries. Affirmed by the church around the world since its earliest ...

  • Being Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience, By Ranald Macaulay and Jerram Barrs

    Being Human

    The Nature of Spiritual Experience

    by Ranald Macaulay and Jerram Barrs

    Who is right about what it means to be human? The Greeks envisioned an ideal humanity. Their ethereal sculptures depict a transcendent, spiritual model. But today many scientists view human beings as mere machines. And some believe we will be able to make machines with human-like intelligence in the near future. The biblical view of humanity is different from both of these. For the writers of ...

  • Prayer and Listening, By Jan Johnson

    Prayer and Listening

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jan Johnson

    Most Christians have experienced the "laundry list" phase of spiritual life, in which praying means giving God an agenda of needs to handle. But how do you move to having real conversation with God? How do you hear what God is saying back to you? How can you make your experience of God's presence part of everyday life?

    In this six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Living in Color: Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity, By Randy Woodley

    Living in Color

    Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity

    by Randy Woodley

    "We would never give Picasso a paintbrush and only one color of paint, and expect a masterpiece," writes Randy Woodley. "We would not give Beethoven a single piano key and say, 'Play us a concerto.' Yet we limit our Creator in just these ways." Though our Christian experience is often blandly monochromatic, God intends for us to live in dynamic, multihued communities that embody his vibrant creativity. ...

  • Dead Church Walking: Giving Life to the Church That Is Dying to Survive, By Jimmy Dorrell

    Dead Church Walking

    Giving Life to the Church That Is Dying to Survive

    by Jimmy Dorrell

    Most everyone recognizes that the traditional Western way of doing church is in deep trouble and has been struggling for years to survive. While the successful rise of some new, non-traditional churches often take the sting out of the demise of the average church, the truth is that God still can renew congregations that have a rich history but are struggling to adjust in today's postmodern culture. ...

  • Revisioning Evangelical Theology, By Stanley J. Grenz

    Revisioning Evangelical Theology

    by Stanley J. Grenz

    • Recipient of a Christianity Today 1994 Critics Choice Award

    Stanley J. Grenz evaluates the course of evangelical theology and sets out a bold agenda for a new century. He proposes that evangelical theology, to remain vibrant and vital in the postmodern era, should find its central integrative motifs in the reign of God and the community of Christ.

  • We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    "Who do you say that I am?" This question that Jesus asked of his disciples, so central to his mission, became equally central to the fledgling church. How would it respond to the Gnostics who answered by saying Jesus was less than fully human? How would it respond to the Arians who contended he was less than fully God? It was these challenges that ultimately provoked the Council ...