Showing 521 - 530 of 2735 results

  • Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics: A Guide for Evangelicals, Edited byJamin Goggin and Kyle C. Strobel

    Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics

    A Guide for Evangelicals

    Edited by Jamin Goggin and Kyle C. Strobel

    • 2014 Best Book of Spirituality—Academic, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    Ever since Richard Foster wrote Celebration of Discipline in 1978, evangelicals have hungered for a deeper and more historic spirituality. Many have come to discover the wealth of spiritual insight available in the Desert Fathers, the medieval mystics, German Pietism ...

  • The Message of Mark, By Donald English

    The Message of Mark

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Donald English

    The fast-paced vitality of Mark's narrative wins the hearts of today's readers on its own terms. Yet while at first glance Mark appears to be a simple account of Jesus' ministry, a serious study raises all kinds of questions: Why doesn't Jesus make his true identity more obvious to the crowds? Why do his disciples find it so difficult to understand? Why is Jesus' work met with such ...

  • Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development, By Philip E. Dow

    Virtuous Minds

    Intellectual Character Development

    by Philip E. Dow

    Templeton Foundation Character Project's Character Essay and Book Prize Competition award winner

    What does it mean to love God with all of our minds?

    Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice--such vices are rampant in society, even among the world's most prominent leaders. ...

  • John, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Kristie Berglund

    An Accessible, Trustworthy Bible Study Guide for Any Group

    When you read detective stories, you quickly learn that what may look like an irrelevant little detail may actually be the clue to solving the mystery. A good writer will put in all kinds of detail; nothing is there by accident. Nothing in John's Gospel is there by accident either. And all the details in John are designed ...

    Number of Studies: 26

  • Fruit of the Spirit, By Hazel Offner

    Fruit of the Spirit

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Hazel Offner

    Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. To be spiritually mature is to show the fruit of the Spirit of Christ in our lives. These nine-session LifeGuide® studies from Old and New Testament passages highlight each quality and inspire us to nurture the Spirit's fruit in our lives. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • More Than Things: A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture, By Paul Louis Metzger

    More Than Things

    A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture

    by Paul Louis Metzger

    We live in a culture of commodification. People are too often defined by what they do or own; they're treated as means to an end or cogs in a machine. What goes missing is a deep sense of personhood—the belief that all humans are unique subjects with inherent worth and the right to self-determination in authentic communion with others.

    In a world dominated by things, ...

  • Study Methods: Experiencing the Power of God's Word, By Kathy Dice

    Study Methods

    Experiencing the Power of God's Word

    by Kathy Dice

    Just as a carpenter needs the right tools to do accurate work, you need certain tools to do fruitful Bible study. This guide will help you learn how to use concordances, dictionaries and other resources. You will practice key study methods--word study, character study and so on--that will reveal the truths of God's Word. With these tools and methods at hand you will handle God's Word with confidence ...

  • Brown Church: Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity, By Robert Chao Romero

    Brown Church

    Five Centuries of Latina/o Social Justice, Theology, and Identity

    by Robert Chao Romero

    Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist

    Interest in and awareness of the demand for social justice as an outworking of the Christian faith is growing. But it is not new.

    For five hundred years, Latina/o culture and identity have been shaped by their challenges to the religious, socio-economic, and political status quo, whether in opposition ...

  • Nourishing Narratives: The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith, By Jennifer L. Holberg

    Nourishing Narratives

    The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith

    by Jennifer L. Holberg

    Humans are story-shaped creatures.

    We make sense of our world, pattern our lives, and reflect on what is ultimately significant through language and the words that compose our stories. But how does this relate to the narrative of the Bible and the story that God is writing through history?

    In Nourishing Narratives, writer and professor Jennifer Holberg engages ...

  • Piercing Leviathan: God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job, By Eric Ortlund

    Piercing Leviathan

    God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Eric Ortlund
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    One of the most challenging passages in the Old Testament book of Job comes in the Lord's second speech (40–41). The characters and the reader have waited a long time for the Lord to speak—only to read what is traditionally interpreted as a long description of a hippopotamus and crocodile (Behemoth and Leviathan). ...