Showing 531 - 540 of 1444 results

  • The Learning Cycle: Insights for Faithful Teaching from Neuroscience and the Social Sciences, By Muriel I. Elmer and Duane H. Elmer

    The Learning Cycle

    Insights for Faithful Teaching from Neuroscience and the Social Sciences

    by Muriel I. Elmer and Duane H. Elmer

    How teachers teach is not necessarily how learners learn. Educators focus on content delivery, but much of the learning process involves affective and behavioral factors.

    Veteran educators Muriel and Duane Elmer provide a holistic model for how learning takes place. Their learning cycle moves beyond mere recall of information to helping learners value and apply learning in ...

  • Sabbath: The Gift of Rest, By Lynne M. Baab


    The Gift of Rest

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Lynne M. Baab

    What is the sabbath? A weekly day of rest and worship. A day to rejoice in abundance. A day to practice thankfulness. A day to slow down, take a deep breath, step aside from work and worries, and let the world go on without us, knowing that God is caring for everyone and everything. In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will help you to learn more about what sabbath is and how ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Simplicity, By Mindy Caliguire


    Soul Care Resources

    by Mindy Caliguire

    Our closets, our garages, our cupboards, our lives are--let's face it--cluttered. Stuff is everywhere: old yearbooks, projects we started years ago but never finished, commitments to activities that we now regret making but don't feel we can pull out of. Are you longing for space--for simplicity? Here is a book to bring you there. Soul Care® Resources are designed to be simple, but not ...

  • Contemplation and Counseling: An Integrative Model for Practitioners, By P. Gregg Blanton

    Contemplation and Counseling

    An Integrative Model for Practitioners

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by P. Gregg Blanton

    Interest in mindfulness and contemplative thought is growing among Christians, and it's time to consider the place of contemplative prayer within the field of counseling. Can contemplative prayer be integrated into therapeutic work? Can it in fact serve as a foundation on which to build a new approach to counseling? In Contemplation and Counseling Gregg Blanton presents ...

  • Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us, By Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

    Practices That Transform Us

    Transforming Resources

    by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

    The Beloved Handbook for Transformation Through Spiritual Disciplines

    Maybe you long for a more intimate prayer life or deeper insight from God's Word but just don't know how to get there. Or maybe you want to learn about new spiritual disciplines like visio divina, unplugging or attentiveness.

    In Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Adele Calhoun gives us ...

  • Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission, By David E. Fitch

    Faithful Presence

    Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission

    by David E. Fitch

    • Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2016

    In our quest to renew the church, Christians have walked through seeker-friendly, emergent, missional, and other movements to develop new expressions of the body of Christ. Now in the post-Christian world in North America we're asking the question again: Is there a way to be the church that engages the world, not by ...

  • Modern Art and the Life of a Culture: The Religious Impulses of Modernism, By Jonathan A. Anderson and William A. Dyrness

    Modern Art and the Life of a Culture

    The Religious Impulses of Modernism

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Jonathan A. Anderson and William A. Dyrness

    Christianity Today Book of the Year Award of Merit - Culture and the Arts

    For many Christians, engaging with modern art raises several questions: Is the Christian faith at odds with modern art? Does modernism contain religious themes? What is the place of Christian artists in the landscape of modern art?

    Nearly fifty years ago, Dutch art historian ...

  • The Jesus Prayer: A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal, By John Michael Talbot

    The Jesus Prayer

    A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal

    by John Michael Talbot

    "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner."

    These words from the Eastern Christian tradition have strengthened and comforted believers for centuries. In these pages, John Michael Talbot explores the roots of this Jesus Prayer along with the theological and practical meaning of each word for believers today. He ends each chapter with a brief practice using the prayer. ...

  • Cold Civil War: Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation, By Jim Belcher

    Cold Civil War

    Overcoming Polarization, Discovering Unity, and Healing the Nation

    by Jim Belcher
    Foreword by John D. Wilsey

    America's political landscape is experiencing dangerous polarization and fragmentation, with the extremes pulling the country apart. Voices on the left and right clash over different worldviews, definitions of America, and what it means to be an American citizen. The levels of incivility and hostility lead some to invoke the language of a cold civil war or even a looming civil ...