Showing 531 - 540 of 1065 results

  • Transcending Mission: The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition, By Michael W. Stroope

    Transcending Mission

    The Eclipse of a Modern Tradition

    by Michael W. Stroope

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Mission, missions, missional, and all its linguistic variations are part of the expanding vocabulary and rhetoric of the contemporary Christian missionary enterprise. Its language and assumptions are deeply ingrained in the thought and speech of the church today. Christianity is a missionary religion and faithful churches are mission-minded. What's ...

  • Abusing Scripture: The Consequences of Misreading the Bible, By Manfred Brauch

    Abusing Scripture

    The Consequences of Misreading the Bible

    by Manfred Brauch

    Virtually all Christians recognize the centrality of the Bible to their faith. Yet many Christians misquote and misapply Scripture regularly. Often those who are most passionate about the authority of the Bible are at the greatest loss when it comes to understanding its message clearly and applying it faithfully. Professor Manfred Brauch believes this kind of mistaken interpretation and application ...

  • Disaster Ministry Handbook, By Jamie D. Aten and David M. Boan

    Disaster Ministry Handbook

    by Jamie D. Aten and David M. Boan

    FEMA Community Preparedness Award

    When disasters happen, people turn to local churches as centers for response and assistance. When floods or tornadoes devastate an area, or when shootings and violence shock a community, knowing what to do can be the difference between calm and chaos, courage and fear, life and death. But few churches plan in advance for what they should do—until ...

  • Understanding Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Ministry Leaders and Survivors, By Tim Hein

    Understanding Sexual Abuse

    A Guide for Ministry Leaders and Survivors

    by Tim Hein
    Foreword by Debra Hirsch

    “It is said that the true test of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members.” As many as one in four girls and one in six boys experience sexual abuse during childhood, and it’s estimated that as many as half of the incidents are never reported. This means that countless millions in our societies, both children and adults, carry this complex, often hidden pain. What does the path to ...

  • Honest Worship: From False Self to True Praise, By Manuel Luz

    Honest Worship

    From False Self to True Praise

    by Manuel Luz
    Foreword by Rory Noland

    When asked by his son why some churches have smoke machines, worship pastor Manuel Luz found himself responding, "Well, technically, you need smoke machines to see the lasers." But when you take down the smokescreen, what do you have left? Where do we encounter the Holy in the midst of all this? Where can we worship with our full selves—heart, soul, mind, and body—in Spirit and truth? Drawing from ...

  • The Power of Group Prayer: How Intercession Transforms Us and the World, By Carolyn Carney

    The Power of Group Prayer

    How Intercession Transforms Us and the World

    by Carolyn Carney

    Revival starts when people pray together.

    Christians often dream about the possibility of revival. But revival doesn't come because we wish or plan for it. Revival occurs when groups of people pray together. However, praying together effectively doesn't come easily, and we're often left wondering how to best engage in the work of intercession.

    Carolyn Carney offers a ...

  • Recalibrate Your Life: Navigating Transitions with Purpose and Hope, By Kenneth Boa and Jenny Abel

    Recalibrate Your Life

    Navigating Transitions with Purpose and Hope

    by Kenneth Boa and Jenny Abel

    As we make our way through life, we find ourselves in times of transition where we need to reassess who we are and what we do.

    Living well doesn't happen automatically for followers of Christ—it happens when we have planned ahead by reviewing and recalibrating our lives on a regular basis, and when we transition from one stage of life to the next. Times of transition, especially ...

  • Deep Mentoring: Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey, By Randy D. Reese and Robert Loane

    Deep Mentoring

    Guiding Others on Their Leadership Journey

    by Randy D. Reese and Robert Loane
    Foreword by Eugene H. Peterson

    "God is in the business of raising up leaders." —J. Robert (Bobby) Clinton When good leaders are needed, when the work is urgent, our immediate reaction is to enlist new leaders. Instead we are called to invest in new leaders. Good leaders are developed in and through slow, deep mentoring. To think otherwise is to embrace the myth of the quick fix. We proceed, instead, by paying ...

  • Teach Us to Want: Longing, Ambition and the Life of Faith, By Jen Pollock Michel

    Teach Us to Want

    Longing, Ambition and the Life of Faith

    by Jen Pollock Michel
    Foreword by Katelyn Beaty

    Logos Bookstores' Best Book in Spirituality/Devotional

    Christianity Today Book of the Year

    Honorable Mention, Best Book of the Year from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    As Christians, we're squeamish about desire. Isn't wanting sinful and selfish? Aren't we supposed to find and follow God's will rather than insisting ...

    Number of Studies: 5

  • The Resilience Factor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Catalyze an Unbreakable Team, By Ryan T. Hartwig and Léonce B. Crump Jr. and Warren Bird

    The Resilience Factor

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Catalyze an Unbreakable Team

    by Ryan T. Hartwig, Léonce B. Crump Jr., and Warren Bird
    Foreword by Tod Bolsinger

    Want to unleash the "remarkable" in your team?

    The potential of a team of God-inspired, talented, committed people is boundless. But without resilience—including the savvy and skill to get up again (and again) when the going gets tough—teams simply cannot thrive or lead well. Resilience is what sets great leaders and teams apart from those that literally fall apart. It's what's ...