Showing 551 - 560 of 2863 results

  • Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church, By W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    Theology as Retrieval

    Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church

    by W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    "Tradition is the living faith of the dead." —Jaroslav Pelikan The movement to retrieve the Christian past is a mode of theological discernment, a cultivated habit of thought. It views the doctrines, practices and resonant realities of the Christian tradition as deep wells for a thirsty age. This movement across the church looks back in order to move forward. David Buschart and Kent Eilers survey ...

  • Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation, By Susan L. Maros

    Calling in Context

    Social Location and Vocational Formation

    by Susan L. Maros

    "I don't care for vocational books written in the United States; they're too American." When Susan Maros heard this comment from a Malaysian colleague, she was initially taken aback. Isn't the concept of calling universal? Why wouldn't resources with a biblical perspective on vocation apply to everyone? The reality is that each of us encounters our questions of calling from within ...

  • An Infinite Fountain of Light: Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century, By George M. Marsden

    An Infinite Fountain of Light

    Jonathan Edwards for the Twenty-First Century

    by George M. Marsden

    Christians need to pause once in a while to get their bearings. For perspective on our own times and how we got here, it helps to listen to wise guides from other eras. In An Infinite Fountain of Light, the renowned American historian George Marsden illuminates the landscape with wisdom from one such mentor: Jonathan Edwards.

    Drawing on his deep expertise on Edwards ...

  • Defeating Pharisaism: Recovering Jesus' Disciple-Making Method, By Gary Tyra

    Defeating Pharisaism

    Recovering Jesus' Disciple-Making Method

    by Gary Tyra

    Pharisaism (legalism, dogmatism, separatism, judgmentalism, etc.) is alive and well and a destructive force in too many evangelical churches. This plague hinders effective outreach, burns out professional and lay leaders and has contributed to the mass alienation of tens of thousands of young people from evangelical churches to the point where they have no church affiliation at all or they associate ...

  • The Doctrine of Humanity, By Charles Sherlock

    The Doctrine of Humanity

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Charles Sherlock

    At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, life-style and sexual preference threaten to disassemble any notion of universal "human nature" or "human condition." In light of this historical moment, the Christian doctrine of human nature is ripe for rethinking and reformulation. Charles Sherlock sees this theological task as demanding a "double ...

  • The Beginning and End of All Things: A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation, By Edward W. Klink III

    The Beginning and End of All Things

    A Biblical Theology of Creation and New Creation

    Essential Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Edward W. Klink III
    Series edited by Benjamin L. Gladd

    Many Christians think of the doctrine of creation primarily as relating to the world's origins. In The Beginning and End of All Things, Edward W. Klink III presents a more holistic understanding of creation—a story that is unfolded throughout all of Scripture and is at the core of the gospel itself.

    From beginning to end, the theme of creation and new creation not ...

  • The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best, By Irwyn L. Ince Jr.

    The Beautiful Community

    Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best

    by Irwyn L. Ince Jr.
    Foreword by Timothy Keller

    Outreach Resource of the Year
    The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    The church is at its best when it pursues the biblical value of unity in diversity.

    Our world has been torn asunder by racial, ethnic, and ideological differences. It is seen in our politics, felt in our families, and ingrained in our theology. Sadly, the church has often reinforced ...

  • Marriage in the Middle: Embracing Midlife Surprises, Challenges, and Joys, By Dorothy Littell Greco

    Marriage in the Middle

    Embracing Midlife Surprises, Challenges, and Joys

    by Dorothy Littell Greco

    Midlife is a season of challenge and change—professionally, relationally, physically, and spiritually. On our better days, we experience a sense of growing clarity and satisfaction about who we are. We might even be coming to terms with our limitations and vulnerabilities, letting go of some dreams and creating new ones. But many days, we are overwhelmed and exhausted by the intense ...

  • Choosing Community: Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers, By Christine A. Colón

    Choosing Community

    Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Christine A. Colón

    Few writers in the twentieth century were as creative and productive as Dorothy L. Sayers, the English playwright, novelist, and poet. Her justly renowned works include detective fiction featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, theological reflections, literary criticism, and her translation of Dante's Divine Comedy.

    Among the prominent themes of her work was the need for and ...