Showing 551 - 560 of 1595 results

  • The Possibility of Prayer: Finding Stillness with God in a Restless World, By John Starke

    The Possibility of Prayer

    Finding Stillness with God in a Restless World

    by John Starke

    The world clamors for efficiency and productivity.

    But the life of prayer is neither efficient nor productive. Instead, as we learn in the psalms, prayer calls us to wait, to watch, to listen, to taste, and to see. These things are not productive by any modern measure—but they are transformative.

    As a pastor in Manhattan, John Starke knows the bustle and busyness of ...

  • Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh

    Structured for Mission

    Renewing the Culture of the Church

    by Alan J. Roxburgh

    The church is living in a time of massive, unprecedented change. Traditional institutions and structures are unraveling in response to rapid social, demographic and economic developments. The existing ways of being the church are no longer meaningful to many. How should the church respond? Many seek to address this situation by tweaking the established institutions, finding new structures, reorganizing ...

  • Galatians, Ephesians, Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    Galatians, Ephesians

    New Testament Volume 10

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    The gospel of justification by faith alone was discovered afresh by the Reformers in the epistolary turrets of the New Testament: the letters to the Galatians and the Ephesians. At the epicenter of the exegetical revolution that rocked the Reformation era was Paul's letter to the Galatians. There Luther, Calvin, Bullinger and scores of others perceived the true gospel of Paul enlightening a situation ...

  • Good News: The Meaning of the Gospel, By Jack Kuhatschek

    Good News

    The Meaning of the Gospel

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study explores not only the question, "What must I do to be saved?" but also will help groups understand the meaning of the good news: that is, the incredibly broad scope of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the future to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ. For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Defeating Pharisaism: Recovering Jesus' Disciple-Making Method, By Gary Tyra

    Defeating Pharisaism

    Recovering Jesus' Disciple-Making Method

    by Gary Tyra

    Pharisaism (legalism, dogmatism, separatism, judgmentalism, etc.) is alive and well and a destructive force in too many evangelical churches. This plague hinders effective outreach, burns out professional and lay leaders and has contributed to the mass alienation of tens of thousands of young people from evangelical churches to the point where they have no church affiliation at all or they associate ...

  • The Millennial Maze, By Stanley J. Grenz

    The Millennial Maze

    by Stanley J. Grenz

    Jesus is coming back! On this issue Evangelicals are united. But ask, "When will he return? Before or after the millennium? What will the millennium be like? What exactly is our hope?" and you enter a bewildering maze of options all claiming to be the right one. In this book Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four major positions held ...

  • In the Company of Jesus: Finding Unconventional Wisdom and Unexpected Hope, By Bill Donahue

    In the Company of Jesus

    Finding Unconventional Wisdom and Unexpected Hope

    by Bill Donahue

    What images come to mind when you hear the name "Jesus"? Religious icon? Mystical guru? Maybe he's the figure in the stained-glass window at church, or in the painting hanging in the hallway of your grandmother's house. Bill Donahue spent years asking these questions, and the Jesus he eventually met was not merely an ancient sage but the living, breathing Son of God. He found himself captivated ...

  • Sabbath Journal: What Your Soul Wants to Say to God, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Sabbath Journal

    What Your Soul Wants to Say to God

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Ruth Haley Barton believes sabbath saved her.

    In her book Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest, Ruth traces the need for, barriers to, and beauty available in this gift. Sabbath Journal offers selected wisdom from the book, blank spaces for written responses, and fifty-two prompts to launch divine dialogue. Ruth says, "What you write here does not have to be ...

    Number of Studies: 52