Showing 561 - 570 of 3824 results

  • The Qur'an in Context: A Christian Exploration, By Mark Robert Anderson

    The Qur'an in Context

    A Christian Exploration

    by Mark Robert Anderson

    For most Westerners, the Qur'an is a deeply foreign book. Christians who venture within this sacred scripture of Islam encounter a world where echoes of biblical figures and themes resound. But the Qur'an speaks in accents and forms that defy our expectations. For it captures an oral recitation of an open-ended drama, one rooted in seventh-century Arabia. Its context of people, events and ideas ...

  • 3950
    product set

    Christianity and Western Thought Series

    From Socrates and the Sophists to Kant, from Augustine to Aquinas and the Reformers, from Marx to Kierkegaard and Darwin to Freud, this series traces the turbulent, often tension-filled, always fascinating story of the thinkers, ideas and movements that have shaped our intellectual landscape. As a result, the study of history, science, psychology, philosophy, sociology and religion have never been ...

  • The Shape of Christian History: Continuity and Diversity in the Global Church, By Scott W. Sunquist

    The Shape of Christian History

    Continuity and Diversity in the Global Church

    by Scott W. Sunquist

    While understanding history has always been an essential task for God's people, rapid changes within the past two generations of Christianity have challenged many of our assumptions and methods for studying the past. How should thoughtful Christians—and especially historians and missiologists—make sense of global Christianity as an unfolding historical movement?

    Scott Sunquist ...

  • American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion: Reassessing the History of an Idea, By John D. Wilsey

    American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion

    Reassessing the History of an Idea

    by John D. Wilsey
    Foreword by John Fea

    Ever since John Winthrop told his fellow colonists in 1630 that they were about to establish a City upon a Hill, the idea of having a special place in history has captured the American imagination. Through centuries of crises and opportunities, many have taken up this theme to inspire the nation. But others have criticized the notion because it implies a sense of superiority which can fuel racism, ...

  • The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends, By Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    The Pursuit of God in the Company of Friends

    by Richard C. Lamb Jr.

    You were not meant to walk alone. Many of us struggle to forge deep relationships with God and other people. Modern society has isolated us as rugged individuals, deceiving us into thinking we can make it through life on our own. Individualism has likewise shaped the pattern of Christian discipleship, privatizing faith and separating us from fellow believers. But we come to know God best when ...

  • The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind, By Jason M. Baxter

    The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis

    How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind

    by Jason M. Baxter

    C. S. Lewis had one of the great minds of the twentieth century. Many readers know Lewis as an author of fiction and fantasy literature, including the Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy. Others know him for his books in apologetics, including Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain. But few know him for his scholarly work as a professor of medieval and ...