Showing 561 - 570 of 773 results

  • Incarnate: The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement, By Michael Frost


    The Body of Christ in an Age of Disengagement

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Michael Frost

    • 12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation (Missional Church)
    • 2014 Best Book of Missional Theology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation—God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands and feet. Disciples ...

  • Beyond the Local Church: How Apostolic Movements Can Change the World, By Sam Metcalf

    Beyond the Local Church

    How Apostolic Movements Can Change the World

    by Sam Metcalf
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Many people have given up on the church. But that doesn't mean that they've given up on God or Christianity. In many cases, it was merely that local church congregations were not the best context for missional people to live out their sense of God's call. The good news is that God is raising up vibrant movements of Christians in ...

  • A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race, By Brenda Salter McNeil

    A Credible Witness

    Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race

    by Brenda Salter McNeil
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Meet Jesus and Sam. Evangelist and teacher Brenda Salter McNeil thinks evangelism that only introduces people to Jesus is incomplete. The picture is much larger than that, she claims: Christ's death and resurrection reconcile us to God and to each other across gender, race and social lines. Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, introduced here as Brenda's friend Sam, gives you the ...

  • Church for Everyone: Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations, By Daniel Kreiss and Efrem Smith

    Church for Everyone

    Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations

    by Daniel Kreiss and Efrem Smith

    Diversity is a high value for younger generations—but too often, they’re not finding it in the church.

    Emerging generations in the West are more diverse than ever—ethnically, socioeconomically, educationally, and politically. And as church attendance among younger generations declines rapidly, research shows that one of their primary sticking points is the lack of diversity ...

  • Contemporary Art and the Church: A Conversation Between Two Worlds, Edited by W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley

    Contemporary Art and the Church

    A Conversation Between Two Worlds

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    Edited by W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley

    The church and the contemporary art world often find themselves in an uneasy relationship in which misunderstanding and mistrust abound.

    On one hand, the leaders of local congregations, seminaries, and other Christian ministries often don't know what to make of works by contemporary artists. Not only are these artists mostly unknown to church leaders, they and their work often ...

  • How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick: Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities, By Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    How Neighborhoods Make Us Sick

    Restoring Health and Wellness to Our Communities

    by Veronica Squires and Breanna Lathrop

    Our neighborhoods are literally making us sick. Buildings with mold trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions. Geographic lack of access to food and health care increases childhood mortality. Community violence traumatizes residents. Poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, food insecurity, racial injustice, and oppression cause physical changes in the body, resulting in ...

  • Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, By Andy Crouch

    Strong and Weak

    Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Andy Crouch

    Flourishing people are strong and weak.

    Two common temptations lure us away from abundant living: withdrawing into safety and grasping for power. True flourishing, says Andy Crouch, travels down an unexpected path—being both strong and weak.

    We see this unlikely mixture in the best leaders—people who use their authority for the benefit of others while also showing extraordinary ...

  • A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, By Ethan J. Brue and Derek C. Schuurman and Steven H. VanderLeest

    A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers

    by Ethan J. Brue, Derek C. Schuurman, and Steven H. VanderLeest

    Our technology shapes the way we live, interact, work, play, and even worship. Technology and its power are both old and new—as is the wisdom we need to envision, design, build, and use it well. For Christians passionate about developing technology, it's not always clear how their faith and work intersect. How can designing and using technology actually be a way of loving God and ...

  • The Disciple, By John Stott

    The Disciple

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With the God's Word for Today series, pastor Tim Chester has updated Stott's classic book The Contemporary Christian ...

  • Raise Your Voice: Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up, By Kathy Khang

    Raise Your Voice

    Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up

    by Kathy Khang

    You have a voice. And you have God's permission to use it. In some communities, certain voices are amplified and elevated while others are erased and suppressed. It can be hard to speak up, especially in the ugliness of social media. Power dynamics keep us silent and marginalized, especially when race, ethnicity, and gender are factors. What can we do about it? Activist Kathy Khang roots our voice ...