Showing 561 - 570 of 1316 results

  • Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission, By Mary T. Lederleitner

    Cross-Cultural Partnerships

    Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission

    by Mary T. Lederleitner
    Foreword by Duane Elmer

    One of the biggest challenges in global mission work is money?not merely the need for it, but working through cross-cultural differences surrounding how funds are used and accounted for. Cross-cultural missteps regarding financial issues can derail partnerships between supporting churches and agencies and national leaders on the ground. North Americans don?t understand how cultural expectations ...

  • The Attentive Life: Discerning God's Presence in All Things, By Leighton Ford

    The Attentive Life

    Discerning God's Presence in All Things

    by Leighton Ford

    Your attention, please. That's what God wants, Leighton Ford discovered. It's the path to becoming like Christ. Distractions, fear and busyness were keeping Ford from seeing God's work in and around him. He was missing God. So he began a journey of longing and looking for God. And it started with paying attention. In these pages, he invites you to journey with him. Using the rich monastic tradition ...

  • Spirit of God: Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith, Edited byJeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

    Spirit of God

    Christian Renewal in the Community of Faith

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau and Beth Felker Jones

    While the age of the Holy Spirit began with Pentecost, the twentieth century has seen an explosion in the Spirit's work through the remarkable growth of Pentecostalism and the changing face of global Christianity. Despite these surprising developments, and the undeniable significance of the Holy Spirit throughout the life of the church, pneumatology too often remains a subject of misunderstanding ...

  • The Future of Biblical Interpretation: Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics, Edited byStanley E. Porter, Jr. and Matthew R. Malcolm

    The Future of Biblical Interpretation

    Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics

    Edited by Stanley E. Porter, Jr. and Matthew R. Malcolm

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Scripture/Hermeneutics)
    The Bible encompasses a plurality of voices, not only in genre but in perspective. And not surprisingly, interpreters of the Bible have generated a plurality of interpretations. How might biblical scholars work responsibly with and within this plurality? And what ...
  • The Singer Trilogy: The Mythic Retelling of the Story of the New Testament, By Calvin Miller

    The Singer Trilogy

    The Mythic Retelling of the Story of the New Testament

    by Calvin Miller

    Hundreds of thousands have already thrilled to this extraordinary retelling of a life unmatched in human history. Through the story of the Singer, his Song and his battles with the World Hater, Calvin Miller has created a work full of life. Now you can find the complete, powerful tale of incarnation and redemption in one volume, with all three of Calvin Miller's books together: The Singer, ...

  • On the Side of the Angels: Justice, Human Rights, and Kingdom Mission, By Joseph D'Souza and Benedict Rogers and Baroness Caroline Cox

    On the Side of the Angels

    Justice, Human Rights, and Kingdom Mission

    by Joseph D'Souza and Benedict Rogers
    With Timothy J. Beals
    by Baroness Caroline Cox

    All too often, missions have been narrowly defined as evangelism or at best, extending to practical, physical social action such as medical mission or education. On the Side of the Angels argues that human rights and justice need to be reclaimed by evangelical Christians and that human rights work should be seen as central to Kingdom mission, not just regarded as a secondary activity and ...

  • Preventing Ministry Failure: A ShepherdCare Guide for Pastors, Ministers and Other Caregivers, By Michael Todd Wilson and Brad Hoffmann

    Preventing Ministry Failure

    A ShepherdCare Guide for Pastors, Ministers and Other Caregivers

    by Michael Todd Wilson and Brad Hoffmann

    Great ministers don't just happen. Great falls from ministry don't just happen either. A complex mix of factors both internal and external test the limits of your ability to minister wholeheartedly over the long haul. Senior pastor Brad Hoffmann and licensed professional counselor Michael Todd Wilson work with pastors removed from their place of service. The common experiences of these pastors ...