Showing 571 - 580 of 2656 results

  • Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission, By George Miley Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission, By George Miley

    Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations

    Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission

    by George Miley

    Rediscovering the role God designed for the church in mission is a critical issue facing the missions movement today. That role is to glorify God by planting churches among every tongue, tribe, and nation. Planting churches amid unreached peoples is a complex process. It calls forth every ministry gift and the contribution of every believer. Imagine a businessman, a construction worker, a schoolteacher, ...

  • Desiring God's Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God, By David G. Benner

    Desiring God's Will

    Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner
    Foreword by Thomas H. Green

    Most people think of God's will as something to be found or as the receiving of guidance from God when making decisions. Too often, however, the problem is not that we don't know what God desires for our lives, but rather that we just don't want to do what we already know he wants. How might our wills be changed so that we become both willing and able to do what God asks of us? In Desiring ...

  • Liturgical Mission: The Work of the People for the Life of the World, By Winfield Bevins

    Liturgical Mission

    The Work of the People for the Life of the World

    by Winfield Bevins
    Foreword by Justo L. González

    Modern missional movements have often viewed the historic Christian traditions with suspicion. The old traditions may be beautiful, the thinking goes, but they’re too insular, focused primarily on worship and on the interior life of the church, and not looking outward to evangelism and good works.

    In Liturgical Mission, Winfield Bevins argues that the church's liturgy ...

  • The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas: Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World, By Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak

    The Gospel in the Marketplace of Ideas

    Paul's Mars Hill Experience for Our Pluralistic World

    by Paul Copan and Kenneth D. Litwak

    Our world is multicultural, multireligious, multiphilosophical. It ranges from fundamental monotheism to do-it-yourself spirituality to strident atheism. How can Christians engage in communicating across worldviews in this pluralistic and often relativistic society? When Paul visited Athens, he found an equally multicultural and multireligious setting. From Jews to Gentiles, elite to poor, slaves ...

  • Uncommon Church: Community Transformation for the Common Good, By Alvin Sanders

    Uncommon Church

    Community Transformation for the Common Good

    by Alvin Sanders
    Foreword by Efrem Smith

    How can the people of God develop churches in ways that help and don't hurt poor neighborhoods? In urban ministry, Christians too often treat the poor as goodwill projects instead of people. Because of this mindset, many remain unchurched. Healthy, local, urban churches are needed because they combine personal empowerment and community transformation.

    Every poor neighborhood ...

  • The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom, By Os Guinness

    The Magna Carta of Humanity

    Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom

    by Os Guinness

    In these stormy times, voices from all fronts call for change. But what kind of revolution brings true freedom to both society and the human soul?

    Cultural observer Os Guinness explores the nature of revolutionary faith, contrasting between secular revolutions such as the French Revolution and the faith-led revolution of ancient Israel. He argues that the story of ...

  • To Be Honest with You: A Journey of Certainty and Skepticism through the Gospel of Luke, By Vince Woltjer and Timothy D. Vandenberg

    To Be Honest with You

    A Journey of Certainty and Skepticism through the Gospel of Luke

    by Vince Woltjer and Timothy D. Vandenberg

    The postmodern world looms large in the thoughts and reflections of those too old to be without doubt but too young to find comfort in answers found in today's world. What started out as journal entries, the devotions of To Be Honest With You offers a young man's insightful perspectives gained from personal experiences. The devotions have a fresh, voice and way of looking at life that ...

  • The Love of God: A Canonical Model, By John C. Peckham

    The Love of God

    A Canonical Model

    by John C. Peckham

    Readers' Choice Award Winner

    "For God so loved the world . . ."

    We believe these words, but what do they really mean? Does God choose to love, or does God love necessarily? Is God's love emotional? Does the love of God include desire or enjoyment? Is God's love conditional? Can God receive love from human beings?

    Attempts to answer these questions ...