Showing 51 - 60 of 3340 results

  • Foundations: How We Got Our Bible, By Bill Donahue


    How We Got Our Bible

    by Bill Donahue

    How did the Bible come into existence? Why and how were these books chosen? How do we know that the Bible we hold today is reliable? This guide gives you the foundational information you need to read the Bible as a trustworthy source for your life.

  • Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal, By Eric L. Johnson

    Foundations for Soul Care

    A Christian Psychology Proposal

    by Eric L. Johnson

    In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship, Eric Johnson makes a vitally important contribution to the field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the reigning paradigms in the field of Christian counseling, particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building on their respective strengths, he seeks to move beyond ...

  • The Politics of Ministry: Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests, By Bob Burns and Tasha D. Chapman and Donald C. Guthrie

    The Politics of Ministry

    Navigating Power Dynamics and Negotiating Interests

    by Bob Burns, Tasha D. Chapman, and Donald C. Guthrie
    Foreword by Steven Garber

    We all need help navigating the politics of ministry. "Politics" is often considered a dirty word. It brings to mind lies and manipulation, accusations and scandals. But at its most basic level, politics is simply the everyday activity of getting things done with other people: understanding their interests, recognizing the power dynamics at play, and learning how to negotiate relationships ...

  • Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials, By Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures

    Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials

    by Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Many a Westerner has had a cross-cultural experience of honor and shame. First there are those stuttering moments in the new social landscape. Then after missed cues and social bruises comes the revelation that this culture—indeed much of the world—runs on an honor-shame operating system. When Western individualism and its introspective conscience fails to engage cultural gears, how can we shift ...

  • Together in Prayer: Coming to God in Community, By Andrew R. Wheeler

    Together in Prayer

    Coming to God in Community

    by Andrew R. Wheeler

    "Lord, teach us to pray," every small group, from Jesus' to yours, has asked. Prayer is intimidating--what do you say to the God of the universe? How do you listen to Someone you can't see? Add other voices to the mix and prayer becomes downright scary--one more opportunity to feel like an idiot in front of your small group, or one more opportunity to highlight the differences between you. And yet ...

  • Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics: Foundations and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpretation, By Graeme Goldsworthy

    Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics

    Foundations and Principles of Evangelical Biblical Interpretation

    by Graeme Goldsworthy

    While there are many books on hermeneutics, Graeme Goldsworthy's perception is that evangelical contributions often do not give sufficient attention to the vital relationship between hermeneutics and theology, both systematic and biblical. In this new paperback edition of Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics, Goldsworthy moves beyond a reiteration of the usual arguments to concentrate on the theological ...

  • Sensible Shoes Leader's Guide, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Sensible Shoes Leader's Guide

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    Sensible Shoes is an unusual novel, blending a fictional story with nonfiction teaching elements. Some readers view it only as a story of four characters on a journey. Others say yes to a deeper level of reading, embracing the opportunity to take a "sacred journey" along with the characters, by opening themselves to the Spirit's work and attending to God's invitations.

    The ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Crossing Cultures in Scripture: Biblical Principles for Mission Practice, By Marvin J. Newell

    Crossing Cultures in Scripture

    Biblical Principles for Mission Practice

    by Marvin J. Newell
    Foreword by Patrick Fung

    • 14th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year, Cross-Cultural Category

    From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a crosscultural book. Scripture is full of narratives of God's people crossing cultures in pursuit of God's mission. Biblical texts shed light on mission dynamics: Sarah and Hagar functioning in an honor-shame culture, Moses as a multicultural leader, ...

  • The Future of Biblical Interpretation: Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics, Edited byStanley E. Porter, Jr. and Matthew R. Malcolm

    The Future of Biblical Interpretation

    Responsible Plurality in Biblical Hermeneutics

    Edited by Stanley E. Porter, Jr. and Matthew R. Malcolm

    • Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Scripture/Hermeneutics)

    The Bible encompasses a plurality of voices, not only in genre but in perspective. And not surprisingly, interpreters of the Bible have generated a plurality of interpretations. How might biblical scholars work responsibly with and within this plurality? And what ...

  • Youth Ministry from the Inside Out: How Who You Are Shapes What You Do, By Mike Higgs

    Youth Ministry from the Inside Out

    How Who You Are Shapes What You Do

    by Mike Higgs

    Flash! Ping! Whiz! Pop! Boom! Bang! Crash! Such are the sights and sounds of modern youth ministry. We look for the bigger, the louder, the brighter. And we work long and hard to make our ministry the biggest, the loudest, the brightest. But look out and listen up: God is not caught up in sound and fury. And he doesn't want to see youth workers disengage--letting the momentum define their purpose. ...