Showing 51 - 60 of 68 results

  • Small Group Idea Book, Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Small Group Idea Book

    Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Are you looking for fresh ideas to energize your small group? Here are hundreds of activities contributed by small group experts from across the United States. Tested in the field and drawn from the front lines of small group ministry, these creative ideas will help you evaluate the state of your group and enhance the five components of healthy group life. Community activities for the four stages ...

  • Shaped by the Cross: Meditations on the Sufferings of Jesus, By Ken Gire

    Shaped by the Cross

    Meditations on the Sufferings of Jesus

    by Ken Gire

    "Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21 What must it have been like to draw near to Christ as he drew near to the cross? Reflecting on Michelangelo's majestic Pieta, in which Mary gathers the suffering Jesus into her arms, Ken Gire offers seven meditations on a costly discipleship that invites us to take up our cross and follow ...

  • Seasoned Speech: Rhetoric in the Life of the Church, By James E. Beitler III

    Seasoned Speech

    Rhetoric in the Life of the Church

    by James E. Beitler III

    The Christian faith depends to a great degree on persuasion. In one of his letters to early Christians, the apostle Paul wrote, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone" (Col. 4:6). Yet rhetoric—the art of persuasion—has been largely ignored by most Christians. In this book, James Beitler seeks to renew interest ...

  • The Art of Living in Season: A Year of Reflections for Everyday Saints, By Sylvie Vanhoozer

    The Art of Living in Season

    A Year of Reflections for Everyday Saints

    by Sylvie Vanhoozer
    Foreword by Kevin J. Vanhoozer

    "What can I give him?”

    Growing up in her native Provence, in southern France, Sylvie Vanhoozer learned about the traditional Provençal crèche. These nativity scenes were peopled by santons—“little saints”—each bringing their unique gifts to the baby Jesus. As her own life took her around the world, to England, Scotland, and the United States, she kept up the tradition ...

  • Remember Me: A Novella about Finding Our Way to the Cross, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Remember Me

    A Novella about Finding Our Way to the Cross

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    "'It is finished,' Jesus says. It's a bold declaration for us to make too. What does it mean to say 'It is finished' when so much is unfinished? It means we are people who live hope in two directions, both backward and forward. We long for the kingdom to come in fullness, even as it has already come. And we trust that the One who has begun the good work in us and for us will indeed ...

  • The Mystery of the Cross: Bringing Ancient Christian Images to Life, By Judith Couchman

    The Mystery of the Cross

    Bringing Ancient Christian Images to Life

    by Judith Couchman

    "Christianity is a religion founded on the mystery of the cross of Christ." --Leo the Great At the center of Christianity sits the cross of Christ. From the beginning, Christ's followers celebrated the cross as a symbol of their faith. It was honored in church worship, carved into rough tombstones, pressed onto loaves of bread and set out as a sign of sanctuary. The cross represented what Christians ...

  • The Wood Between the Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross, By Brian Zahnd

    The Wood Between the Worlds

    A Poetic Theology of the Cross

    by Brian Zahnd

    Experience the Kaleidoscopic Mystery of the Cross

    Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story—the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of ...

  • The Risen Christ: Jesus' Final Words on Earth, By Bill Weimer The Risen Christ: Jesus' Final Words on Earth, By Bill Weimer

    The Risen Christ

    Jesus' Final Words on Earth

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Bill Weimer

    Jesus' words from the cross are not Jesus' last words on earth. Jesus appeared to his fearful and questioning disciples, encouraged them, and gave them his final instructions after his resurrection from the dead. In various settings and at different times, Jesus interacted with many of his followers to show them he was alive. His postresurrection dialogues with ...