Showing 51 - 60 of 309 results

  • Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly: A Guide to Moral Persuasion, By Paul Chamberlain

    Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly

    A Guide to Moral Persuasion

    by Paul Chamberlain

    Abortion. Gay marriage. Euthanasia. How do we talk about these issues in a pluralistic society? The truth is that we often avoid such conversations in order not to offend others or appear "intolerant." But in doing so, we miss out on opportunities to influence others' views and make a real difference in the world. In Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly, Paul Chamberlain offers ...

  • How to Read Daniel, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Daniel

    How To Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Beyond the familiar lions' den and fiery furnace, much of the book of Daniel seems baffling to modern readers. The first half recounts stories full of ancient Near Eastern protocol and imperial court drama; the second half features apocalyptic visions of monstrous beasts and cosmic conflict. Many Christians misunderstand or simply avoid the book. But failing to read Daniel well ...

  • Why Church History Matters: An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past, By Robert F. Rea

    Why Church History Matters

    An Invitation to Love and Learn from Our Past

    by Robert F. Rea

    Does it matter how Christians in other times and places thought? If the Bible alone is God?s revelation, why spend time studying church history? Aren?t history and tradition more of a problem than a solution? For many Christians who believe the Bible is the ultimate authority for faith and life, questions about the role and value of the church's traditions can be difficult to ...

  • Meeting God in Scripture: A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina, By Jan Johnson

    Meeting God in Scripture

    A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina

    by Jan Johnson

    Dallas Willard Center Book Award Finalist

    Jesus is speaking to us here and now.

    Lectio divina is a practice of Scripture reading that treats the Bible not only as a text to be examined, but also as the living Word of God spoken anew to us. Experienced Bible teacher Jan Johnson gives us forty Scripture meditations, organized topically, giving ...

  • AD 33: The Year that Changed the World, By Colin Duriez

    AD 33

    The Year that Changed the World

    by Colin Duriez

    How did Jesus shape history? In A.D. 33 an obscure religious teacher died a criminal's death in a distant outpost of the Roman Empire. Yet this was an event with world-changing consequences. What was the world like in that momentous year? Colin Duriez's compelling book brings to life events in the Roman Empire and beyond. As we look back on that remarkable year, we can see from the perspective ...

  • Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development, By Philip E. Dow

    Virtuous Minds

    Intellectual Character Development

    by Philip E. Dow

    Templeton Foundation Character Project's Character Essay and Book Prize Competition award winner

    What does it mean to love God with all of our minds?

    Our culture today is in a state of crisis where intellectual virtue is concerned. Dishonesty, cheating, arrogance, laziness, cowardice--such vices are rampant in society, even among the world's most prominent leaders. ...

  • Becoming a Just Church: Cultivating Communities of God's Shalom, By Adam L. Gustine

    Becoming a Just Church

    Cultivating Communities of God's Shalom

    by Adam L. Gustine
    Foreword by Dennis Edwards

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Stop outsourcing justice!

    Many local churches don't know what to do about justice. We tend to compartmentalize it as merely a strategy for outreach, and we often outsource it to parachurch justice ministries. While these organizations do good work, individual congregations are left disconnected from God's just purposes in the ...

  • The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning, By J. P. Moreland

    The God Question

    An Invitation to a Life of Meaning

    by J. P. Moreland

    What does it take to live a meaningful life? Why are so many people in affluent nations so anxious and unhappy? What difference does believing in God really make? Does belief in the God of the Bible truly make sense today?

    In this revised edition of The God Question, philosopher J. P. Moreland invites us on a journey to a rich, flourishing life. He digs into the causes ...