Showing 601 - 610 of 870 results

  • Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion, By Os Guinness

    Fool's Talk

    Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion

    by Os Guinness

    • 2016 Christianity Today Book of the Year in Apologetics/Evangelism
    • One of Desiring God's Top 15 Books of 2015
    • Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Social Criticism and Cultural Engagement

    In our post-Christian context, public life has become markedly more secular and private life infinitely more diverse. Yet many Christians still ...

  • Losing Face & Finding Grace: 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans, By Tom Lin

    Losing Face & Finding Grace

    12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans

    by Tom Lin

    Raised as one of only a handful of Asians in my Chicago suburb, I did not want to be part of the Asian culture. It did not seem relevant. Besides, I thought, "Other than skin color, we're all the same, right?"

    I remember hearing comments from friends such as "I don't think of you as Asian, but just like the rest of us [white]." These were meant as compliments (and I often took ...

  • Cradling Abundance: One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty, By Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna

    Cradling Abundance

    One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty

    by Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna
    With Elsie Tshimunyi McKee

    Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna persevered through many challenges: political turmoil and violence, misogyny and patriarchy, lack of community resources and personal loss. As she carved out a life for herself, her family, and her community, she kept seeing the same story played out for women vulnerable and trapped in poverty. Every system ...

  • Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy, Edited by Everett L. Worthington Jr. and Eric L. Johnson and Joshua N. Hook and Jamie D. Aten

    Evidence-Based Practices for Christian Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    Edited by Everett L. Worthington Jr., Eric L. Johnson, Joshua N. Hook, and Jamie D. Aten

    Are Christian treatments as effective as secular treatments? What is the evidence to support its success? Christians engaged in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy and counseling are living in a unique moment. Over the last couple decades, these fields have grown more and more open to religious belief and religion-accommodative therapies. At the same time, Christian counselors and psychotherapists ...

  • No Place for Abuse: Biblical  Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence, By Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    No Place for Abuse

    Biblical Practical Resources to Counteract Domestic Violence

    by Catherine Clark Kroeger and Nancy Nason-Clark

    Domestic violence is a leading cause of injury and death to women worldwide. Nearly one in four women around the globe is physically or sexually abused in her lifetime, and gender violence causes more death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war. Regrettably, the church is not immune to this problem. Numerous studies suggest that incident rates among ...

  • Praying When Life Hurts, By W. Bingham Hunter

    Praying When Life Hurts

    IVP Booklets

    by W. Bingham Hunter

    I cried out to God for help;
    I cried out to God to hear me.
    When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
    at night I stretched out untiring hands
    and my soul refused to be comforted.
    (Psalm 77)

    "Many Christians struggle with prayer . . . and most of us are afraid to talk about it," writes W. Bingham Hunter in the opening of this brief, honest and comforting ...

  • Living the Christian Year: Time to Inhabit the Story of God, By Bobby Gross

    Living the Christian Year

    Time to Inhabit the Story of God

    by Bobby Gross

    Infuse your days with meaning. You are part of a larger Story. And the One who began the Story is at work today, in your life, in the midst of your meetings and bills and family activities that make the days rush by and blur together. In these pages Bobby Gross opens to you--and opens you to--the liturgical year, helping you inhabit God's Story every day.

  • Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views, Edited by P. C. Kemeny

    Church, State and Public Justice

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by P. C. Kemeny
    Contributions by Clarke E. Cochran, Derek H. Davis, Corwin E. Smidt, Ronald J. Sider, and J. Philip Wogaman

    Abortion. Physician-assisted suicide. Same-sex marriages. Embryonic stem-cell research. Poverty. Crime. What is a faithful Christian response?

    The God of the Bible is unquestionably a God of justice. Yet Christians have had their differences as to how human government and the church should bring about a just social order. Although Christians share many deep and significant ...

  • Unceasing Kindness: A Biblical Theology of Ruth, By Peter Lau and Gregory Goswell

    Unceasing Kindness

    A Biblical Theology of Ruth

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Peter Lau and Gregory Goswell
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The Old Testament book of Ruth is understandably a firm favorite in the church for small-group study and preaching: a heart-warming story of loyalty and love, a satisfying tale of a journey from famine to fullness. In the academy, the book has been a testing ground for a variety of hermeneutical approaches, and many different ways of interpreting it have been put forward. However, the single interpretative ...

  • Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard

    Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

    Volume 3

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    From its inception the church has always had a Bibleā€”the Jewish Scriptures. But Christians have not read these Scriptures in the same way the Jews did. They have read them in the light of what God did in Jesus the Christ. Thus the Jewish Scriptures became for Christian readers the Old Testament.

    This Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture volume on Exodus through Deuteronomy ...