Showing 611 - 620 of 2863 results

  • Transhumanism and the Image of God: Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship, By Jacob Shatzer

    Transhumanism and the Image of God

    Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship

    by Jacob Shatzer

    We're constantly invited to think about the future of technology as a progressive improvement of tools: our gadgets will continue to evolve, but we humans will stay basically the same. In the future, perhaps even alien species and intelligent robots will coexist alongside humans, who will grapple with challenges and emerge as the heroes. But the truth is that radical technological change has the ...

  • Courage and Calling: Embracing Your God-Given Potential, By Gordon T. Smith

    Courage and Calling

    Embracing Your God-Given Potential

    by Gordon T. Smith

    God calls us first to himself, to know and follow him, and also to a specific life purpose, a particular reason for being. This second call or "vocation" has implications not only for our work or occupation, but also includes our giftedness, our weaknesses, our life in community and what we do day to day. In this book Gordon Smith invites you to discover your vocation by listening to God and becoming ...

  • Listening to Sexual Minorities: A Study of Faith and Sexual Identity on Christian College Campuses, By Mark A. Yarhouse and Janet B. Dean and Michael Lastoria and Stephen P. Stratton

    Listening to Sexual Minorities

    A Study of Faith and Sexual Identity on Christian College Campuses

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark A. Yarhouse, Janet B. Dean, Michael Lastoria, and Stephen P. Stratton

    Students arrive on campus with various boxes of belongings to unpack, some heavy, some tidy, some more valuable, some more private. For many students, two of these boxes could be labeled "My Faith" and "My Sexuality"—and these two can be among the most cumbersome to handle. How to balance the two without having to set one down? How to hold them both closely, both securely, but still move forward ...

  • The Biology of Sin: Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped, By Matthew S. Stanford

    The Biology of Sin

    Grace, Hope and Healing for Those Who Feel Trapped

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    There are heated discussions happening on the conflict between science and faith. This disagreement tends to focus around three main issues, one of them being what causes our sinful behavior. The intense conflict has to do with biblically defined sinful behaviors and if there just might be a biological predisposition for these behaviors. The Biology of Sin speaks to this debate and hopefully ...

  • Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, By George Yancey

    Beyond Racial Gridlock

    Embracing Mutual Responsibility

    by George Yancey

    Christians have struggled with racial issues for centuries, and often inadvertently contribute to the problem. Many proposed solutions have been helpful, but these only take us so far. Adding to this complex situation is the reality that Christians of different races see the issues differently. Sociologist George Yancey surveys a range of approaches to racial healing that Christians have used and ...

  • Fixing the Moral Deficit: A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget, By Ronald J. Sider

    Fixing the Moral Deficit

    A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget

    by Ronald J. Sider

    The national deficit is certainly a crisis. But alongside it a moral deficit is exploding as well. Some want to unjustly thrust the burden of the debt on our grandchildren. Others want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. But both plans are morally bankrupt. There is a way--a realistic way, a moral way--to fix the deficit. We can break political gridlock with solutions that stand on ...

  • Mobilizing Hope: Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation, By Adam Taylor

    Mobilizing Hope

    Faith-Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation

    by Adam Taylor
    Foreword by Jim Wallis

    Martin Luther King Jr. read the words of the apostle Paul to the church in Rome--"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind"--as a call not to retreat from the world but to lead the world into the kingdom of God, where peace and justice reign. In King's day the presenting problem was entrenched racism; the movement of God was a revolution in civil rights and human dignity. Now Adam Taylor draws ...

  • Crazy Enough to Care: Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation, By Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr.

    Crazy Enough to Care

    Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation

    by Alvin C. Bibbs, Sr.

    Nothing confronts a person's faith quite like injustice, pain, suffering. We see these things in our world, in our neighborhoods, and we don't know what to do with ourselves. We've got to do something, but where to begin? What to do? How to do it? Crazy Enough to Care will take you and your friends on a journey, uncovering the things that make compassion impractical in contemporary society, ...

  • Stumbling Souls: Is Love Enough?, By Chris Plekenpol

    Stumbling Souls

    Is Love Enough?

    by Chris Plekenpol

    In Stumbling Souls, former Army Captain and current seminary student, Chris Plekenpol, tells a compelling story of his interactions with a homosexual, HIV-positive, homeless man, James. Chris asks James to move in with him and then Chris and his friends try to get James back on his feet. In reality, James helps Chris get back on his feet by finding out what happens when believers risk living ...

  • Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Living Fully, Loving Dangerously, By Kent Annan

    Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle

    Living Fully, Loving Dangerously

    by Kent Annan

    In 2003 Kent Annan left behind his prosperous, comfortable upbringing to face the world beyond its gates, where people wear his cast-off clothing and seek comfort from the heat in the long shadow of his homeland. Haiti, apparently, was where God wanted him. Of course, just because God wants you somewhere doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Little did he know how important his work would be. Now, ...