Showing 621 - 630 of 1065 results

  • A Life of Listening: Discerning God's Voice and Discovering Our Own, By Leighton Ford

    A Life of Listening

    Discerning God's Voice and Discovering Our Own

    by Leighton Ford

    The Christian life is a life of listening. In this memoir, lifelong minister of the gospel Leighton Ford tells his story as a personal history of listening for God’s voice. Beginning with his earliest memories, he recounts the different ways God has spoken to him, and the different ways he has learned to listen. Through the joys of ministry, first as an international evangelist, ...

  • The Path Between Us Journal, By Suzanne Stabile

    The Path Between Us Journal

    by Suzanne Stabile

    "One of the reasons it's so important to me that people learn the Enneagram is that this wisdom helps us to choose a reaction," says Suzanne Stabile, author of The Path Between Us, in her Enneagram training seminars. "And when you don't know the Enneagram, reactions often choose you."

    This is just one of the fresh insights drawn from Stabile's teaching that have been included in this ...

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy, By Cindy Bunch

    Be Kind to Yourself

    Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy

    by Cindy Bunch
    Foreword by Ruth Haley Barton

    When we experience frustrations in daily life, many of us hold ourselves to blame. Self-criticism is often our default setting. But we can have a more gracious posture toward ourselves. We can practice disciplines of self-kindness.

    Editor and spiritual director Cindy Bunch calls us to self-care through greater compassion for ourselves. She helps us pay attention to the frustrations ...

  • Living in Bonus Time: Surviving Cancer, Finding New Purpose, By Alec Hill

    Living in Bonus Time

    Surviving Cancer, Finding New Purpose

    by Alec Hill

    Cancer confronts us with our mortality. But cancer survivors find ourselves with a second chance for life. We grapple with profound questions: Why am I still here? How did I survive when others didn't? Where is God in all this? And how should I live differently now? Those who experience and survive cancer live in bonus time, a season of grace that can be both disorienting and wonderful. ...

  • A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits, By Ashley Hales

    A Spacious Life

    Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits

    by Ashley Hales

    We're told that freedom and opportunity are our ticket to the good life. Get out there and follow your dreams! Be the hero of your own story! Find your happiness! Live your best life! It seems that limitless possibilities await anyone with vision and willingness to hustle their way through life.

    The thing is, instead of resulting in a sense of accomplishment, this ...

  • The Power of Proximity: Moving Beyond Awareness to Action, By Michelle Ferrigno Warren

    The Power of Proximity

    Moving Beyond Awareness to Action

    by Michelle Ferrigno Warren
    Foreword by Noel Castellanos

    We can see evidence of injustice all around us, whether in continuing incidents of racial inequality or in the systemic forces that disenfranchise people and perpetuate poverty. It's important to learn about the world's inequities and to be a voice for the voiceless any way we can. But in an age of hashtag and armchair activism, merely raising awareness about injustice is not enough. Michelle Warren ...

  • Is God to Blame?: Beyond Pat Answers to the Problem of Suffering, By Gregory A. Boyd

    Is God to Blame?

    Beyond Pat Answers to the Problem of Suffering

    by Gregory A. Boyd

    Is God to blame? This is often the question that comes to mind when we confront real suffering in our own lives or in the lives of those we love. Pastor Gregory A. Boyd helps us deal with this question honestly and biblically, while avoiding glib answers. Writing for ordinary Christians, Boyd wrestles with a variety of answers that have been offered by theologians and pastors in the past. He ...

  • Struggling with Evangelicalism: Why I Want to Leave and What It Takes to Stay, By Dan Stringer

    Struggling with Evangelicalism

    Why I Want to Leave and What It Takes to Stay

    by Dan Stringer
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    When evangelicals make a mess, who cleans it up?

    Many today are discarding the evangelical label, even if they still hold to the historic tenets of evangelicalism. But evangelicalism is a space, not just a brand, and living in that space is complicated.

    As a lifelong evangelical who happens to be a biracial Asian/White millennial, Dan Stringer has felt both included ...

  • Atheism on Trial: A Lawyer Examines the Case for Unbelief, By W. Mark Lanier

    Atheism on Trial

    A Lawyer Examines the Case for Unbelief

    by W. Mark Lanier

    In the courtroom, lawyers depend on rules of evidence to make their arguments. A case is made by establishing certain facts from which proof can be determined. But what happens when the truth seems to be a matter of faith? Can the legal mind discern the validity of one's belief or unbelief? Nationally recognized trial lawyer Mark Lanier turns his analytical mind to the arguments ...

  • Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God: A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability, By Craig A. Hefner

    Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God

    A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Craig A. Hefner
    Foreword by Daniel J. Treier

    Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was not afraid to express his opinions. Living amid what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, he was often critical of his contemporary church.

    But that does not mean Kierkegaard rejected traditional Christian theology. Indeed, at a time when many of his contemporaries were questioning the classical doctrine ...