Showing 651 - 660 of 2910 results

  • The Mission of the Body of Christ, By Russ Ramsey

    The Mission of the Body of Christ

    Retelling the Story Series

    by Russ Ramsey

    "God had not just sent his Messiah into the world. He had sent him to them. They were known. In all their guilt—intended and unintended—they were known and invited to find refuge in the grace of God, accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son. And the church continued to grow." Jesus sent his followers into the world. Russ Ramsey's dynamic narrative traces the journey ...

    Number of Studies: 31

  • The Heart of Racial Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change, By Rick Richardson and Brenda Salter McNeil

    The Heart of Racial Justice

    How Soul Change Leads to Social Change

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Rick Richardson and Brenda Salter McNeil
    Foreword by John M. Perkins

    Racial and ethnic hostility is one of the most pervasive problems the church faces. It hinders our effectiveness as one body of believers. It damages our witness. Why won't this problem just go away? Because it is a spiritual battle. In response, we must employ spiritual weapons—prayer, repentance, forgiveness. In this book Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson provide a model ...

  • Christianity Today has released the winners of its 2019 Book Awards, and InterVarsity Press is pleased to announce that it received top honors in four categories: Church/Pastoral Leadership, Fiction, Missions/Global Church, and Politics and Public Life. IVP also received the Award of Merit in the Apologetics/Evangelism category.

  • Saying Is Believing: The Necessity of Testimony in Adolescent Spiritual Development, By Amanda Hontz Drury

    Saying Is Believing

    The Necessity of Testimony in Adolescent Spiritual Development

    by Amanda Hontz Drury

    "I have seen and I testify . . ." (John 1:34) The idea of giving one's testimony often evokes summer church camps, evangelistic revivals, mission trips and baptisms. Like an eyewitness called to testify in a courtroom, sharing a testimony of faith is for specific people at special moments. But what if our view of testimony is all wrong? According to Amanda Drury, testimony is not merely about ...

  • The Message of Ephesians, By John Stott

    The Message of Ephesians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    A common blind spot for evangelical Christians is to overlook the central importance of the church, emphasizing individual salvation more than the saved community. Yet no one can come away from a careful reading of Ephesians with a privatized gospel. Paul's letter to the Ephesians clearly sets forth God's eternal purpose to create the church—God's new society.

    In this revised ...

  • Meeting God in Scripture: A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina, By Jan Johnson

    Meeting God in Scripture

    A Hands-On Guide to Lectio Divina

    by Jan Johnson

    Dallas Willard Center Book Award Finalist

    Jesus is speaking to us here and now.

    Lectio divina is a practice of Scripture reading that treats the Bible not only as a text to be examined, but also as the living Word of God spoken anew to us. Experienced Bible teacher Jan Johnson gives us forty Scripture meditations, organized topically, giving ...

  • Subverting Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World, By Vinoth Ramachandra

    Subverting Global Myths

    Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World

    by Vinoth Ramachandra

    It is a myth that only the uninformed masses believe in myths and that power brokers, media moguls, leading scientists, financial tycoons, political luminaries and intellectual elites don't. The myths that the ruling classes believe may be more sophisticated, but they are myths nonetheless. These public, large-scale narratives engage our imaginations and shape the way we experience the world. They ...

  • More Than Enchanting: Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World, By Jo Saxton

    More Than Enchanting

    Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Jo Saxton
    Foreword by Jenni Catron

    Women have always been central to the life of the church. From the early hours of the first Easter, when women were charged to announce the resurrection of Jesus, to the state of the contemporary church, where women outnumber men in pews and positions of service.

    But as central as women have been, they've also found themselves regularly marginalized--and not only in the church but in the neighborhoods, ...