Showing 671 - 680 of 3250 results

  • The Person of Christ, By Donald Macleod

    The Person of Christ

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Donald Macleod

    Throughout the history of the church the doctrine of the person of Christ has been a centerpiece of theological reflection. In The Person of Christ Donald Macleod rearticulates this multifaceted doctrine. He begins with the New Testament and recent attempts to understand its Christology. Macleod then turns his attention to Christ in the history of Christian theology, examining the principal ...

  • The Message of Deuteronomy, By Raymond Brown

    The Message of Deuteronomy

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Raymond Brown

    No Old Testament book has exerted a greater influence on the formation of both Jewish and Christian thought and practice than Deuteronomy. It presents the final message of Moses to the people of Israel, providing foundational theology for the rest of Scripture. When we read Deuteronomy today, we hear Moses address us as a future generation of the covenant people of God. The challenges ...

  • The Divine Authenticity of Scripture: Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage, By A. T. B. McGowan

    The Divine Authenticity of Scripture

    Retrieving an Evangelical Heritage

    by A. T. B. McGowan

    Evangelicals have taken extraordinary care in formulating and articulating a high view of Scripture. And yet the doctrine is not without its inadequacies and its internal critics--both past and present. Reviewing the evangelical discussion and formulations over the past century and more, particularly in the Reformed tradition in North America, Andrew McGowan is not content with the present state ...

  • The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea: Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology, By Mark R. Fairchild

    The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea

    Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology

    by Mark R. Fairchild

    A Firsthand Look at a Groundbreaking Archaeological Discovery

    In 2014, aerial photography revealed a submerged structure beneath the waters of Lake Iznik, near the ancient city of Nicaea. The structure appeared to be in the shape of an ancient basilica church, with a nave, aisles, and an apse pointing to the east. The discovery was named one of the top ten archaeological discoveries ...

  • Refuge Reimagined: Biblical Kinship in Global Politics, By Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville

    Refuge Reimagined

    Biblical Kinship in Global Politics

    by Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville
    Foreword by Matthew Soerens

    The global crisis of forced displacement is growing every year. At the same time, Western Christians' sympathy toward refugees is increasingly overshadowed by concerns about personal and national security, economics, and culture. We urgently need a perspective that understands both Scripture and current political realities and that can be applied at the levels of the church, the ...

  • The Message of Leviticus: Free to Be Holy, By Derek Tidball

    The Message of Leviticus

    Free to Be Holy

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Derek Tidball

    For many Christians, the book of Leviticus is largely unknown and unread. Yet this book is crucial for understanding the rest of the Bible and the nature of the gospel. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Derek Tidball shows how this vital part of Scripture is of foundational importance for our view of God and Christian living. Revealing the original message to the people of Israel ...

  • Women in Ministry: Four Views, Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse

    Women in Ministry

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse
    Contributions by Robert Culver, Susan T. Foh, Walter L. Liefeld, and Alvera Mickelsen

    Should women teach men? Should they exercise authority over men? What about ordaining women?

    Even those who agree that Scripture must determine our answers do not agree on what it teaches. And too often differing sides have not been willing to listen to one another. This Spectrum Multiview volume shares the views of four deeply committed evangelicals that focus the discussion ...