Showing 671 - 680 of 773 results

  • Political Visions & Illusions: A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies, By David T. Koyzis

    Political Visions & Illusions

    A Survey & Christian Critique of Contemporary Ideologies

    by David T. Koyzis
    Foreword by Richard J. Mouw

    What you believe about politics matters. The decades since the Cold War, with new alignments of post–9/11 global politics and the chaos of the late 2010s, are swirling with alternative visions of political life, ranging from ethnic nationalism to individualistic liberalism. Political ideologies are not merely a matter of governmental efficacy, but are intrinsically and inescapably ...

  • Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's

    Misquoting Truth

    A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus"

    by Timothy Paul Jones

    "What good does it do to say that the words [of the Bible] are inspired by God if most people have absolutely no access to these words, but only to more or less clumsy renderings of these words into a language? . . . How does it help us to say that the Bible is the inerrant word of God if in fact we don't have the words that God inerrantly inspired? . . . We have only error-ridden copies, and ...

  • Wisdom for Faithful Reading: Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation, By John H. Walton

    Wisdom for Faithful Reading

    Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation

    by John H. Walton

    The church has too often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack of sound principles of interpretation. When careless habits get us off track, we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying, derailing our own spiritual growth and even risking discredit to God’s word.

    We need a consistent approach to give us confidence as faithful interpreters. In Wisdom ...

  • Never Mind the Joneses: Taking the Fear Out of Parenting, By Tim Stafford

    Never Mind the Joneses

    Taking the Fear Out of Parenting

    by Tim Stafford

    Messages from the media and pressures from peers all seem to conspire against raising children with strong Christian values. As kids grow older the potential for things to go wrong just seems to multiply. How can parents nurture their families with confidence, without the fear that they are making some big mistake? Tim Stafford sets you free from worrying about the Joneses or anyone else. He shows ...

  • Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C. S. Lewis, By David C. Downing

    Into the Region of Awe

    Mysticism in C. S. Lewis

    by David C. Downing

    C. S. Lewis is generally thought of as a commonsense Christian, one who offers theology that is understandable and morality that is practical. And yet, when writing about Narnia to a class of fifth graders who asked if it were possible to visit Aslan's country, Lewis replied that the only way he knew of was through death but then added this curious qualifier: "Perhaps some very good people get just ...

  • 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles

    New Testament Volume 5

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Derek Cooper and Martin J. Lohrmann

    "Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts.'" (1 Samuel 17:45) Reflecting upon David's victory over Goliath, Reformation translator, theologian and commentator William Tyndale compared it to Christ's victory over sin and death: "When David had killed Goliath the giant, glad tidings came ...

  • The God Who Makes Himself Known: The Missionary Heart of the Book of Exodus, By W. Ross Blackburn

    The God Who Makes Himself Known

    The Missionary Heart of the Book of Exodus

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by W. Ross Blackburn
    Series edited by D.A. Carson

    The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the overarching missionary theme of the Bible and the central theological concern of Exodus. Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text over theological difficulties, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus should be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of its missionary theme in its canonical context is of ...

  • Isaiah 1–39, Edited by Jeff Fisher

    Isaiah 1–39

    Old Testament Volume 10A

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Jeff Fisher

    "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?'

    Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me.'"

    In his interpretation of Isaiah's vision of God and subsequent sending, the Anabaptist reformer Menno Simons perceived a pattern for all prophets, apostles, ministers, and preachers who are called and then sent out to spread the ...

  • The Message of Lamentations, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Message of Lamentations

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    The destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 587 BC is the likely setting for the book of Lamentations. This was the most traumatic event in Old Testament history, as Israel faced extreme human suffering, the destruction of the ancient city, national humiliation, and the undermining of all that was thought to be divinely guaranteed, such as the Davidic monarchy, the city of ...

  • The First Testament: A New Translation, By John Goldingay

    The First Testament

    A New Translation

    by John Goldingay

    Awash in a sea of Bible translations, do we need yet another?

    Most translations bend the text toward us. They make the rough places smooth, the odd bits more palatable to our modern sensibilities. In every translation something is gained and something lost.

    In The First Testament: A New Translation, John Goldingay interrupts our sleepy familiarity with the Old ...