Showing 681 - 690 of 3945 results

  • Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament Set

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    We cannot know Jesus without knowing his story. Today the debate over who Jesus is rages on. Has the Bible bound Christians to a narrow and mistaken notion of Jesus? Should we listen to other gospels, other sayings of Jesus, that enlarge and correct a mistaken story? Is the real Jesus entangled in a web of the church's Scripture, awaiting liberation from our childhood faith so he might speak to ...

  • Portraits of a Radical Disciple: Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry, Edited byChristopher J. H. Wright

    Portraits of a Radical Disciple

    Recollections of John Stott's Life and Ministry

    Edited by Christopher J. H. Wright
    Featuring John Stott

    John Stott has been a giant on the landscape of the worldwide church for more than half a century. Here, however, are almost three dozen brief, very human-sized portraits of a man who has been a radical disciple of Jesus all those years. One of the outstanding gifts that God gave to John Stott was an incredible capacity for friendship. Never did the word single seem less appropriate than ...

  • The Cross in Context: Reconsidering Biblical Metaphors for Atonement, By Brad Vaughn

    The Cross in Context

    Reconsidering Biblical Metaphors for Atonement

    by Brad Vaughn
    Foreword by Joshua M. McNall

    How can a doctrine about reconciliation with God create so much controversy among God's people?

    Theologian Brad Vaughn believes Christians can gain clarity and unity on the doctrine of the atonement through a renewed attention to the biblical evidence. While theological theories are necessary and useful, they can obscure reality as much as clarify it. And we're often ignorant ...

  • A Shared Mercy: Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church, By Jon Coutts

    A Shared Mercy

    Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Jon Coutts
    Foreword by John Webster

    Christians regularly ask God to "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," but tend to focus on the first half and ignore the second.

    Something is missing if Christians think of mission only in terms of proclamation or social justice and discipleship only in terms of personal growth and renewal—leaving the relational implications of the gospel almost to chance. It ...

  • Faithful Work: In the Daily Grind with God and for Others, By Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski

    Faithful Work

    In the Daily Grind with God and for Others

    by Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski

    One-third of our waking lives is spent at work. Work is where we make culture and come into contact with our world. Work is central to God's mission to redeem souls, systems, and structures. And God works through our work to bring hope to the brokenness and fallenness of our surrounding culture.

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the world, and that includes the transformation ...

  • The Revelation of God, By Peter Jensen

    The Revelation of God

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Peter Jensen

    In modern times the Christian faith's claim to possess a unique revelation of God has faced numerous challenges.

    A central issue has been the role of the Bible. While some have continued to defend the view that the Bible, inspired by God, is God's self-revelation in a direct way, others, have argued that God's self-revelation is to be found primarily in divine action or in the person of Jesus ...