Showing 681 - 690 of 2740 results

  • Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God, By Travis Scholl

    Walking the Labyrinth

    A Place to Pray and Seek God

    by Travis Scholl
    Foreword by Walter Wangerin Jr.

    One day Travis Scholl discovered a labyrinth in his neighborhood. As he began to walk it, he found this ancient practice offered a much-needed path away from life's demands, allowing him to encounter God in quiet solitude. In this meditative guide, Travis Scholl takes readers on a journey: "The path is always new, because, as a spiritual discipline, the labyrinth is a tool for contemplation, for ...

  • Paul's

    Paul's "Works of the Law" in the Perspective of Second-Century Reception

    by Matthew J. Thomas
    Foreword by Alister E. McGrath

    • Jesus Creed Book of the Year 2018

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    What did Paul mean by "works of the law"?

    Paul writes that we are justified by faith apart from "works of the law," a disputed term that represents a fault line between "old" and "new" perspectives on Paul. Was the apostle reacting against the ...

  • Mark, By Ronald J. Kernaghan


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Ronald J. Kernaghan

    The Gospel of Mark is widely regarded today as the first Gospel to be written. Until recent decades, its fast-paced, seemingly straightforward presentation led most readers to overlook its subtle theological sophistication. Probing its depths, Ronald Kernaghan invites readers into a fascinating exploration of Mark's Gospel as a parable, an open-ended story that invites us on a lifelong journey ...

  • Being God's Image: Why Creation Still Matters, By Carmen Joy Imes

    Being God's Image

    Why Creation Still Matters

    by Carmen Joy Imes
    Foreword by J. Richard Middleton

    What does it mean to be human?

    This timeless question proves critical as we seek to understand our purpose, identity, and significance. Amidst the many voices clamoring to shape our understanding of humanity, the Bible reveals important truths related to our human identity and vocation that are critical to the flourishing of all of creation.

    Carmen Joy Imes seeks to ...

  • Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Edited by David Fink

    Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by David Fink

    "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

    a time to be born, and a time to die..."

    When the reformers of the sixteenth century turned to this well-known text from the Book of Ecclesiastes, they did not find a reason to despair, but rather confirmation of their hope and faith in God. For example, Martin Luther pointed ...

  • LifeGuide Finder results for Bible studies for men. Use this interactive tool to identify the right LifeGuide Bible Study for you. Search by number of sessions, holidays, books of the Bible, themes, characters, group interest and bestsellers.

  • Birmingham Revolution: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church, By Edward Gilbreath

    Birmingham Revolution

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church

    by Edward Gilbreath

    From time to time prophetic Christian voices rise to challenge our nation's "original sin." In the twentieth century, compelled by the Spirit of God and a yearning for freedom, the African American church took the lead in heralding the effort. Like almost no other movement before or since, Christian people gave force to a social mission. And, remarkably, they did it largely through nonviolent actions. ...

  • Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance, By Caryn Rivadeneira


    What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance

    by Caryn Rivadeneira

    "Broke was not in the cards for me. . . . Girls—then women—like us stay strong through it all. A little (or big) financial setback doesn't break us. Or our connection to God." And yet, God let Caryn Rivadeneira and her family go dead broke. In the midst of this financial and spiritual desert, Caryn questioned God's goodness, wondering how he could feel so far away. Doesn't God promise ...

  • Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, By Andy Crouch

    Culture Making

    Recovering Our Creative Calling

    by Andy Crouch
    Afterword by Tish Harrison Warren

    Christianity Today Book Award winner
    Publishers Weekly's best books

    The only way to change culture is to create culture.

    Most of the time, we just consume or copy culture. But that is not enough. We must also do more than condemn or critique it. The only way to change it is to create it.

    For too long, Christians have had ...