Showing 681 - 690 of 2910 results

  • I've Been Wondering: Conversations with Young Theologians, By Richard B. Steele

    I've Been Wondering

    Conversations with Young Theologians

    by Richard B. Steele

    College and seminary students rarely have a voice in theological discussions. True, there are many books written for them. Introductions to the Bible, surveys of church history, anthologies of theological classics, overviews of Christian doctrine, and dictionaries of the various theological sub-disciplines abound. But it is one thing for professional theologians to answer the questions they think ...

  • Flame of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit, By Clark H. Pinnock

    Flame of Love

    A Theology of the Holy Spirit

    by Clark H. Pinnock
    Foreword by Daniel Castelo
    Commentaries by Daniel Castelo

    In what may be regarded as his magnum opus, Clark Pinnock explores the vital Christian doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Writing out of wide learning and deep personal passion, he points the way to restoring the oft-neglected Spirit to centrality in the life and witness of the church. Pinnock's book is both catholic—respecting the beliefs and worship of the historic church—and evangelical—drawing ...

  • The Message of 1 Corinthians, By David Prior

    The Message of 1 Corinthians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David Prior

    The ancient city of Corinth was well-known for its prosperity, diversity—and debauchery. Any church planted there was bound to have problems. Indeed, snobbishness, divisiveness, insensitivity, doctrinal looseness, and overexuberance were all too common in the Corinthian church. When the apostle Paul heard about these difficulties, he was grieved because he had founded the church ...

  • Seasoned Speech: Rhetoric in the Life of the Church, By James E. Beitler III

    Seasoned Speech

    Rhetoric in the Life of the Church

    by James E. Beitler III

    The Christian faith depends to a great degree on persuasion. In one of his letters to early Christians, the apostle Paul wrote, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone" (Col. 4:6). Yet rhetoric—the art of persuasion—has been largely ignored by most Christians. In this book, James Beitler seeks to renew interest ...

  • Grace for the Children: Finding Hope in the Midst of Child and Adolescent Mental Illness, By Matthew S. Stanford

    Grace for the Children

    Finding Hope in the Midst of Child and Adolescent Mental Illness

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    The church's response to child and adolescent mental health disorders has too often been characterized by fear and misinformation rather than grace or wisdom. The result has been families that desperately need practical advice and pastoral care on these disorders, and on the thorny issues that often surround them.

    Psychologist Matthew Stanford has written Grace for the ...

  • Single, Gay, Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity, By Gregory Coles

    Single, Gay, Christian

    A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity

    by Gregory Coles
    Foreword by Wesley Hill

    Foreword INDIES Award Finalist
    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    In an age where neither society nor the church knows what to do with gay Christians, Greg Coles tells his own story.

    Let's make a deal, you and me. Let's make promises to each other.

    I promise to tell you my story. The whole story. I'll tell you about a boy in love with Jesus who, at the ...

  • The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction, By Justin Whitmel Earley

    The Common Rule

    Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction

    by Justin Whitmel Earley

    Create a Gospel-Centered Rule of Life

    Habits form us more than we form them. The modern world is a machine of invisible habits, forming us into anxious, busy people. We yearn for the freedom of the gospel but remain shackled by our screens and exhausted by our routines.

    The answer is a rule of life that aligns our habits to our beliefs. The Common Rule's four ...

  • Bread for the Resistance: Forty Devotions for Justice People, By Donna Barber

    Bread for the Resistance

    Forty Devotions for Justice People

    by Donna Barber

    Sometimes you get tired, doing this thing we call justice. Making the case, fighting the fight, having to explain again and again why it matters. You feel burned out or disillusioned. Sometimes you just need a word from the Lord.

    In these daily devotions, Donna Barber offers life-giving words of renewal and hope for those engaged in the resistance to injustice. When you face ...

    Number of Studies: 40