Showing 61 - 70 of 3247 results

  • The Journey of Modern Theology: From Reconstruction to Deconstruction, By Roger E. Olson

    The Journey of Modern Theology

    From Reconstruction to Deconstruction

    by Roger E. Olson

    Modernity has been an age of revolutions—political, scientific, industrial and philosophical. Consequently, it has also been an age of revolutions in theology, as Christians attempt to make sense of their faith in light of the cultural upheavals around them, what Walter Lippman once called the "acids of modernity." Modern theology is the result of this struggle to think responsibly about God within ...

  • One Bible, Many Versions: Are All Translations Created Equal?, By Dave Brunn

    One Bible, Many Versions

    Are All Translations Created Equal?

    by Dave Brunn

    What makes a Bible translation faithful? Is one version superior to others? Do we really need more than one translation? How can answering these questions help us become better Bible readers? Dave Brunn has been involved in Bible translation work around the world for many years. From the perspective of this on-the-ground experience in different cultures he helps us sort out the many competing claims ...

  • The Journey of Modern Theology: From Reconstruction to Deconstruction, By Roger E. Olson

    The Journey of Modern Theology

    From Reconstruction to Deconstruction

    by Roger E. Olson

    Modernity has been an age of revolutions—political, scientific, industrial and philosophical. Consequently, it has also been an age of revolutions in theology, as Christians attempt to make sense of their faith in light of the cultural upheavals around them, what Walter Lippman once called the "acids of modernity." Modern theology is the result of this struggle to think responsibly about God within ...

  • Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation, By Craig D. Allert

    Early Christian Readings of Genesis One

    Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Craig D. Allert

    Do the writings of the church fathers support a literalist interpretation of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have maintained that they do. And it is sensible to look to the Fathers as a check against our modern biases. But before enlisting the Fathers as ammunition in our contemporary Christian debates over creation and evolution, some cautions are in order. Are we correctly representing the ...

  • Neither Poverty nor Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possessions, By Craig L. Blomberg

    Neither Poverty nor Riches

    A Biblical Theology of Possessions

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Craig L. Blomberg
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. (Proverbs 30:8) One of the most difficult questions facing Christians today is that of the proper attitude toward possessions. In wealthy nations such as Britain and the USA, individuals accumulate much and yet are daily exposed to the plight of the poor, whether the homeless on their own city streets or starving children ...

  • Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology, By James Montgomery Boice

    Foundations of the Christian Faith

    A Comprehensive & Readable Theology

    by James Montgomery Boice
    Foreword by Philip Ryken

    In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity. With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the person and work ...

  • Johannine Theology: The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse, By Paul A. Rainbow

    Johannine Theology

    The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse

    by Paul A. Rainbow

    In this magisterial synthesis, Paul A. Rainbow presents the most complete account of the theology of the Johannine corpus available today. Both critical and comprehensive, this volume includes all the books of the New Testament ascribed to John: the Gospel, the three epistles and the book of Revelation. While not proclaiming a definitive position on the question of authorship, this work seeks ...

  • Theology of Mission: A Believers Church Perspective, By John Howard Yoder

    Theology of Mission

    A Believers Church Perspective

    by John Howard Yoder
    Edited by Gayle Gerber Koontz and Andy Alexis-Baker

    • 2014 Best Texts of Missiology, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    John Howard Yoder, author of The Politics of Jesus (1972), was best known for his writing and teaching on Christian pacifism. The material in Theology of Mission shows he was a profound missiologist as well. Working from a believers or free church perspective, Yoder ...

  • 20th-Century Theology: God and the World in a Transitional Age, By Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    20th-Century Theology

    God and the World in a Transitional Age

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    • Recipient of a Christianity Today 1993 Critics' Choice Award

    Now in paperback! Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson offer in this text a sympathetic introduction to twentieth-century theology and a critical survey of its significant thinkers and movements. Of particular interest is their attempt to show how twentieth-century theology has moved back and forth ...

  • Evangelicals & Scripture: Tradition, Authority and Hermeneutics, Edited by Vincent E. Bacote and Laura Miguelez Quay and Dennis L. Okholm

    Evangelicals & Scripture

    Tradition, Authority and Hermeneutics

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Vincent E. Bacote, Laura Miguelez Quay, and Dennis L. Okholm

    By definition, a high view of Scripture inheres in evangelicalism. However, there does not seem to be a uniform way to articulate an evangelical doctrine of Scripture. Taking up the challenge, Vincent Bacote, Laura Miguélez and Dennis Okholm present twelve essays that explore in depth the meaning of an evangelical doctrine of Scripture that takes seriously both the human and divine dimensions ...