Showing 61 - 70 of 2516 results

  • Gaal the Conqueror, By John White

    Gaal the Conqueror

    The Archives of Anthropos

    by John White

    • Recipient of a 1989 Christian Home School C.S. Lewis Gold Medal award

    Eleanor McFarland and John Wilson join Gaal, the Son of the High Emperor, in a battle to thwart the evil plans of Lord Lunacy. Book Two in John White's Archives of Anthropos. Winner of the 1989 C. S. Lewis Gold Medal from Christian Home School.

  • The Tower of Geburah, By John White

    The Tower of Geburah

    The Archives of Anthropos

    by John White

    One moment Wesley, Kurt and Lisa are poking around in their uncle's attic. The next moment they have stepped into the magical world of Anthropos, where their help is needed to free a king and defeat the powers of evil. Book Three in John White's Archives of Anthropos.

  • Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?: An MIT Professor Answers Questions on God and Science, By Ian Hutchinson

    Can a Scientist Believe in Miracles?

    An MIT Professor Answers Questions on God and Science

    Veritas Books

    by Ian Hutchinson

    Plasma physicist Ian Hutchinson has been asked hundreds of questions about faith and science:

    • What is faith and what is science? Are they compatible?
    • Are there realities science cannot explain?
    • Is God's existence a scientific question?
    • Is the Bible consistent with the modern scientific understanding of the universe?
    • Are there scientific reasons to believe ...
  • Can I Believe Christianity?, By Ken Taylor

    Can I Believe Christianity?

    IVP Booklets

    by Ken Taylor

    Thousands of students come to college taking for granted the existence of God and the supernatural, but many come to feel that there is no basis for such belief. Others come with a positive faith and graduate with their faith either blasted or divorced from reason. This change of attitude toward the things of God results from an attitude which is to be found in many university classes. The opinion ...

  • Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination, By John White

    Excellence in Leadership

    Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination

    by John White

    • Short deadlines
    • Not enough staff
    • Tight budgets
    • Personal attacks
    • External opposition
    • Internal conflicts
    • A huge task

    Every leader faces these problems. But as Christians, should we solve them by using the secular strategies of best-selling management books? Or is there another way? John White says there is. Nehemiah provides the model ...

  • A Mind for God, By James Emery White

    A Mind for God

    by James Emery White

    To be fully human is to think. The apostle Paul calls us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in this task. Because we have not developed good intellectual habits, our minds instead have been captured by our culture. A Mind for God is written to help us break free from this ...

  • A Traveler's Guide to the Kingdom: Journeying Through the Christian Life, By James Emery White

    A Traveler's Guide to the Kingdom

    Journeying Through the Christian Life

    by James Emery White

    Travel with James Emery White through time and space to visit places like Martin Luther's Wittenburg, where the 95 theses were nailed to a church door, or The Eagle and Child pub, where C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and the other Inklings met to write and dream together. You'll encounter many of the important spiritual sites of the history of Christianity and get a flavor for what it was like ...

  • The Cost of Commitment, By John White

    The Cost of Commitment

    IVP Classics

    by John White
    Foreword by Don Everts

    "The way of the cross is a magnificent obsession with a heavenly pearl, beside which everything else in life has no value." Following Christ, says John White, is not cheap. The cost is substantial. There will be suffering and loss. But the benefits, rewards and joys that come with our commitment to him are well worth the sacrifices that must be made to answer the call to Christ. Consider the ...

  • 2580
    product set

    History of Evangelicalism Series

    People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World

    General Editor David W. Bebbington and Mark A. Noll

    This series seeks to integrate the social and intellectual history of a diverse yet cohesive Christian movement over the last three hundred years. The associations, books, practices, beliefs, networks of influence and prominent individuals which descended from the eighteenth-century British and North American revivals all come into view. Accessible to a wide range of readers, the volumes of the ...