Showing 61 - 70 of 2910 results

  • The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture, By Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson

    The Hip-Hop Church

    Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture

    by Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson
    Foreword by Bakari Kitwana and Alton B. Pollard III

    Hip-hop is here. The beats ring out in our cities. Hip-hop culture is all around us: in the clothes youth wear, in the music they listen to, in the ways they express themselves. It is the language they speak, the rhythm they move to. It is a culture familiar with the hard realities of our broken world; the generation raised with rap knows about the pain. They need to know about the hope. Enter ...

  • Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission, By David E. Fitch

    Faithful Presence

    Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission

    by David E. Fitch

    • Missio Alliance Essential Reading List of 2016

    In our quest to renew the church, Christians have walked through seeker-friendly, emergent, missional, and other movements to develop new expressions of the body of Christ. Now in the post-Christian world in North America we're asking the question again: Is there a way to be the church that engages the world, not by ...

  • Beyond the Local Church: How Apostolic Movements Can Change the World, By Sam Metcalf

    Beyond the Local Church

    How Apostolic Movements Can Change the World

    by Sam Metcalf
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Many people have given up on the church. But that doesn't mean that they've given up on God or Christianity. In many cases, it was merely that local church congregations were not the best context for missional people to live out their sense of God's call. The good news is that God is raising up vibrant movements of Christians in ...

  • Inalienable: How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church, By Eric Costanzo and Daniel Yang and Matthew Soerens


    How Marginalized Kingdom Voices Can Help Save the American Church

    by Eric Costanzo, Daniel Yang, and Matthew Soerens

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    The American church is at a critical crossroads. Our witness has been compromised, our numbers are down, and our reputation has been sullied, due largely to our own faults and fears. The church's ethnocentrism, consumerism, and syncretism have blurred the lines between discipleship and partisanship. Pastor Eric Costanzo, missiologist ...

  • Authentic Church: True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits, By Vaughan Roberts

    Authentic Church

    True Spirituality in a Culture of Counterfeits

    by Vaughan Roberts

    The church today faces challenges on every front. Christians are captivated by consumerism, seduced by celebrity, distracted by technology and overwhelmed by media. Religious and secular rivals are increasingly prominent, vying for our allegiance and worship. What does authentic Christian spirituality look like in such an era? Vaughan Roberts finds direction for today's church in Paul's prophetic ...

  • The Emergence of the Church: Context, Growth, Leadership  Worship, By Arthur G. Patzia

    The Emergence of the Church

    Context, Growth, Leadership Worship

    by Arthur G. Patzia

    The early church did not descend from heaven on a golden string. Nor did it spring full-grown from the mind of Jesus or the apostles. The church emerged as the result of God's decisive action within a particular people, Israel, their story and their historical context. The focal point of this action was Jesus--his ministry, death and resurrection. But there were challenges, setbacks and conflicts, ...

  • The Enneagram Goes to Church: Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life, By Todd Wilson

    The Enneagram Goes to Church

    Wisdom for Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life

    by Todd Wilson

    If I had known the Enneagram earlier in my ministry, I would have been a much better pastor.

    When this thought came to Todd Wilson, he had already served as a pastor in several churches for the better part of fifteen years and was successfully leading a large, historic, and diverse congregation. He'd started out in ministry with a strong education in everything from ...

  • Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods, By Jonathan Brooks

    Church Forsaken

    Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods

    by Jonathan Brooks
    Foreword by Sho Baraka

    "There are no God-forsaken places, just church-forsaken places." —Jon Fuller, OMF International Jonathan Brooks was raised in the Englewood neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. As soon as he was able, he left the community and moved as far away as he could. But through a remarkable turn of events, he reluctantly returned and found himself not only back in Englewood but also ...

  • Local and Universal: A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity, By C. Ryan Fields

    Local and Universal

    A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by C. Ryan Fields

    In the words of the creeds, the church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic body of Christ.

    Of those features, perhaps none is as misunderstood as the church's catholicity (that is, its universality)—because while the church is universal, it is also radically local, connected to a particular community or even found on a specific street corner. How might we reclaim the ...