Showing 61 - 70 of 265 results

  • and its affiliated blogs, social media pages and feeds, and opt-in email newsletters (individually and collectively referred to as, the "Site") is brought to you by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA d/b/a InterVarsity Press, an Illinois not-for-profit religious corporation ("IVP" or "we" or "us"). 

  • Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good, By Amy L. Sherman

    Kingdom Calling

    Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good

    by Amy L. Sherman
    Foreword by Reggie McNeal
    Afterword by Steven Garber

    Christianity Today Book Award winner

    Imagine the scenarios:

    • a CEO successfully negotiates a corporate merger, avoiding hundreds of layoffs in the process
    • an artist completes a mosaic for public display at a bank, showcasing neighborhood heroes
    • a contractor creates a work-release program in cooperation with a local prison, growing the business ...
  • As Christians, our work and faith are integrated seamlessly in our lives. What if we all found a way to see our vocation as way of advancing God's work? In this conversation, IVP authors Barry Rowan, Gayle Beebe, Jeff Haanen, Joanna Meyer, Ross Chapman, and Ryan Tafilowski share their insights about bringing faith and work together for the glory of God.

  • Economic Justice in a Flat World: Christian Perspectives on Globalization, Edited by Steven Rundle

    Economic Justice in a Flat World

    Christian Perspectives on Globalization

    Edited by Steven Rundle

    Globalization may be the most hotly debated issue surrounding poverty. The benefits and costs of global economic integration are critical and complex.

    • Is a globalized, free-market economy part of the solution to economic injustice or part of the problem?
    • Are the international monetary systems pursuing policies that will reduce poverty or are they serving the interests of the wealthy?
    • What ...
  • Women, Work, and Calling: Step into Your Place in God's World, By Joanna Meyer

    Women, Work, and Calling

    Step into Your Place in God's World

    by Joanna Meyer

    Women now have professional opportunities beyond what previous generations ever imagined. But as our roles in public life have grown, the church's vision for women's work and calling has not grown with us, leaving us feeling isolated and under-resourced. Christian women face multiple tensions between home and work, navigating complex gender dynamics in the workplace and social pressure ...