Showing 61 - 70 of 1595 results

  • Hidden in Christ: Living as God's Beloved, By James Bryan Smith

    Hidden in Christ

    Living as God's Beloved

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    A Deeper Sort of Devotional Words are powerful. They contain ideas and shape the way we see God, ourselves and all of reality. We're transformed, in particular, by God's Word, and by "the Word," the Logos—Jesus himself—as described by John in the first chapter of his Gospel. Memorizing and studying a passage in depth can offer a deeper sense of the meaning of each word. In this ...

  • Practical Justice: Living Off-Center in a Self-Centered World, By Kevin Blue

    Practical Justice

    Living Off-Center in a Self-Centered World

    by Kevin Blue

    You know the world is full of injustice. You know that God calls Christians to work for justice on the earth. But what can you do? Do you have questions like this? You're well-intended, but stuck in the rut of the everyday. You want to make your life matter. But you don't know where to start. You wonder about everything from whether to give a dollar to a beggar to how to participate in the political ...

  • Integrity: Living the Truth, By Carolyn Nystrom


    Living the Truth

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Carolyn Nystrom

    Is truth an outdated concept? Today it is often considered rude to speak of right and wrong. In such a culture of relativism, we desperately need to be reminded of the biblical value of integrity. In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study invite us to find contentment in who are and how we follow God as we grow to be people of real integrity. For over three decades ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Paul's Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours, Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry

    Paul's Missionary Methods

    In His Time and Ours

    Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry

    What does Paul's missions strategy mean for today? A century ago Roland Allen published Missionary Methods: Saint Paul's or Ours?, a missiological classic which tackled many important issues, including what biblically rooted missions looks like in light of the apostle Paul's evangelistic efforts. Although Allen's work is still valuable, new understandings have been gained regarding Paul's ...

  • 3540
    product set

    The Good and Beautiful Series

    by James Bryan Smith

    Set includes: 4 books.

    James Bryan Smith believes the gospel is about change in our lives today, not just our eternal destiny. In The Good and Beautiful Series he aims to help Christians develop a robust discipleship by helping them understand who God is, what it means to be a Christian, how to live in community, and how to address toxic self-narratives that hinder ...

  • A0036


    The Season of the Resurrection of Jesus

    The Fullness of Time

    by Wesley Hill

    "He is risen indeed!"

    Easter Sunday is the holiest day of the year, a day when even those who don't usually observe the Christian calendar or attend liturgical churches greet each other with the proclamation "Christ is risen!"

    But Easter is more than a day—it's a season even longer than Lent. In fact, for the Christian who has died with Christ and been brought to life ...

  • The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time, By Tom Sine

    The New Conspirators

    Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time

    by Tom Sine
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed," Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, "nothing will be impossible for you." That sounds good, but does it work in a world where seeds are genetically altered by an impatient few and hard to come by for countless others? In a world where the gulf between the very rich and the profoundly poor is constantly growing, can a mustard-seed faith make any ...

  • Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Invitation to Retreat

    The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Academy of Parish Clergy Top Ten List

    "Come away and rest awhile."

    Jesus invites us to be with him, offering our full and undivided attention to him. When we choose retreat, we make a generous investment in our friendship with Christ. We are not always generous with ourselves where God is concerned. Many of us have tried to incorporate regular times ...

  • 1470
    product set

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Thomas C. Oden

    Volumes in the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS) offer you the opportunity to study for yourself key writings of the early church fathers. Arranged canonically and employing the RSV, each volume allows the living voices of the church in its formative centuries to speak as they engage the sacred page of Scripture.

    The ACCS is a postcritical revival of the early commentary tradition ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Worship

    Living God's Call to Justice

    by Mark Labberton
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    What's at stake in our worship? Everything. Worship is the dangerous act of waking up to God and God's purposes in the world. But something has gone wrong with our worship. Too often worship has become a place of safety and complacency, a narrowly private experience in which solitary individuals only express their personal adoration. Even when we gather corporately, we often close our eyes to those ...