Showing 691 - 700 of 2740 results

  • Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges with Muslim Women, By Miriam Adeney

    Daughters of Islam

    Building Bridges with Muslim Women

    by Miriam Adeney

    Their clothing is often distinctive. Their values are strongly held. They love their families. They comprise nearly one-tenth of the world's population, and they live everywhere around the globe. These are women of Muslim background. Many still belong to Islam, but some now belong to Christ. In Daughters of Islam Miriam Adeney introduces you to women like Ladan, Khadija and Fatma. You'll ...

  • The Easy Burden of Pleasing God, By Patty Kirk

    The Easy Burden of Pleasing God

    by Patty Kirk

    "The trait that best typifies the students who break down in my office is their great unhappiness. They are believers. Of this I am sure. Certainly they are more diligent believers than I am, to judge from all the good things they are constantly doing. But they are miserable, every one of them. And, though they usually manage to get back on track . . . I know that, in their spiritual work lives, ...

  • Evangelism for Non-Evangelists: Sharing the Gospel Authentically, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Evangelism for Non-Evangelists

    Sharing the Gospel Authentically

    by Mark R. Teasdale

    Evangelism. The very word makes palms sweat and images spin: buttonholing in a city park, knocking on neighborhood doors, being conscripted into evangelistic campaigns, to say nothing of that annoying religious neighbor or coworker. We have met the evangelists—and they are not us. If evangelism is the welcome door to faith, why does it grate open on rusting hinges? ...

  • Faith Is Like Skydiving: And Other Memorable Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics, By Rick Mattson

    Faith Is Like Skydiving

    And Other Memorable Images for Dialogue with Seekers and Skeptics

    by Rick Mattson

    It can be hard to explain why you believe in God. But images and analogies can provide concrete handles for making the Christian faith more plausible. If someone claims that Christians make a "blind leap of faith," you can respond, "No, it's not a blind leap. Faith is like skydiving. You check out your parachute beforehand and make sure it's secure. You follow the safety instructions. And then ...

  • The Folly of Prayer: Practicing the Presence and Absence of God, By Matt Woodley

    The Folly of Prayer

    Practicing the Presence and Absence of God

    by Matt Woodley

    Prayer can feel mysteriously difficult, boringly perfunctory and frustratingly out of our control. Often prayer brings us comfort, but sometimes, especially when there aren?t easy resolutions or prayers go unanswered, it intensifies and focuses our sense of longing, pain and care. And often God uses our times of darkness and desperation to awaken our hearts to the ache within us--and the cries of ...

  • Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent, By Charles E. Hummel

    Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent

    by Charles E. Hummel

    Winner of the 2004 ECPA Platinum Book Award!

    Is the clock a slavemaster or a tool that serves you?
    Does the quantity of your responsibilities squeeze out the quality of your life?
    Are urgent things so pressing that you don't have "inner time" to sort out what's really important?
    How can you discern what God wants you to do?

    Charles Hummel's ...

  • God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue, By Daniel Walker

    God in a Brothel

    An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue

    by Daniel Walker

    This is the true story of an undercover investigator's experiences infiltrating the multi-billion-dollar global sex industry. It is a story of triumph for the children and young teens released from a life of slavery and the rescuer who freed many hundreds of victims leading to the prosecution of dozens of perpetrators. And it is a story of haunting despair for those left behind in corrupt systems ...

  • The Gospel of Christmas: Reflections for Advent, By Patty Kirk

    The Gospel of Christmas

    Reflections for Advent

    by Patty Kirk

    A child yearns as at no other time in the days leading up to Christmas. That yearning doesn't entirely go away as we grow older. It still lingers in the backs of our minds. We imagine that Christmas is mainly for children and our adult lives don't stop in the way that children's lives stop on Christmas morning, so we don't give ourselves time to notice the yearning. But it's there--hope mingled ...

  • Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity, By Miriam Adeney

    Kingdom Without Borders

    The Untold Story of Global Christianity

    by Miriam Adeney

    The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. And yet this story has largely eluded the corporate news brokers of the West. Layered as it is with countless personal and corporate stories of remarkable faith and witness, it nevertheless ...

  • Longing for More: A Woman's Path to Transformation in Christ, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Longing for More

    A Woman's Path to Transformation in Christ

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton
    Foreword by Lynne Hybels

    In the quiet places of your heart, do you ever yearn for something more? Many Christian women, if we are honest, feel discontented about aspects of our lives. Some of us long to be married, while others long to escape from marriage. Some of us struggle with our roles in the church, wondering why God would give us gifts that are not allowed to flourish. Some of us feel we have no voice. Others of ...