Showing 711 - 720 of 3705 results

  • A Theology of Word and Spirit: Authority  Method in Theology, By Donald G. Bloesch

    A Theology of Word and Spirit

    Authority Method in Theology

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    Recipient of a Christianity Today Critics Choice Award

    In the inaugural volume of his seven-volume systematic theology, Christian Foundations, Donald Bloesch surveys his method. His approach is conversant with up-to-the-minute theological concerns but also vitally grounded in the Reformation emphasis on biblical revelation illumined by the Holy Spirit.

    In A ...

  • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible, By E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O'Brien

    Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes

    Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible

    by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O'Brien

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    Understand Scripture on Its Own Terms

    What was clear to the original readers of Scripture is not always clear to us. Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example:

    • When Western readers hear Paul exhorting ...
  • Seasoned Speech: Rhetoric in the Life of the Church, By James E. Beitler III

    Seasoned Speech

    Rhetoric in the Life of the Church

    by James E. Beitler III

    The Christian faith depends to a great degree on persuasion. In one of his letters to early Christians, the apostle Paul wrote, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone" (Col. 4:6). Yet rhetoric—the art of persuasion—has been largely ignored by most Christians. In this book, James Beitler seeks to renew interest ...

  • Participating in Abundant Life: Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Participating in Abundant Life

    Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age

    by Mark R. Teasdale
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

    Our world is hungry for salvation, but we don't always know how to talk about it. Christians agree that God cares about people's lives both in this world and into eternity. But the ways we describe salvation often separate the spiritual from the material. Many groups emphasize one at the expense of the other, limiting the picture of what God has to offer. Mark Teasdale works to ...

  • The Church, By Edmund P. Clowney

    The Church

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Edmund P. Clowney

    At a time in which the very word church sounds a tone of dull irrelevance, the doctrine of the church has suffered the studied neglect of many Christian leaders. The persistent demands to market, manage and grow the church and to meet the felt needs of churched and unchurched all threaten to quench theological reflection on the abiding nature and mission of the church. But few activities ...

  • Sermons That Sing: Music and the Practice of Preaching, By Noel A. Snyder

    Sermons That Sing

    Music and the Practice of Preaching

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Noel A. Snyder
    Foreword by Jeremy Begbie

    Preaching and music are both regular elements of Christian worship across the theological spectrum. But they often don't interact or inform each other in meaningful ways.

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, theologian, pastor, and musician Noel A. Snyder considers how the church's preaching might be helpfully informed by musical theory. Just as a good musical composition ...

  • Pocket Dictionary of Ethics: Over 300 Terms  Ideas Clearly  Concisely Defined, By Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith

    Pocket Dictionary of Ethics

    Over 300 Terms Ideas Clearly Concisely Defined

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Jay T. Smith

    Ethics is as old as the city-state and as new as cyberspace. Guided by the wagon tracks of moral tradition, it nevertheless rides the cutting edge of science and technology. Increasingly it is moving into the corner offices of law, business, medicine, science and technology.

    But few of us arrive in our first ethics class--or take our seat on an ethics committee--with a grip on the range of ...