Showing 721 - 730 of 3945 results

  • Are you a homeschool parent looking for textbooks and resources to use with your highschool-aged children? Discover the wide variety of IVP books used by homeschool families in subjects like worldview, history, philosophy, science, humanities, biblical studies, and more.

  • Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments, By Jeffrey F. Keuss

    Live the Questions

    How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

    by Jeffrey F. Keuss

    "Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." —Rainer Maria Rilke Life is full of questions: questions about our identity, our relationships, our faith. Sometimes it seems like there are no easy answers. But our questioning can lead us on a journey into greater understanding and purpose. Jeffrey Keuss ...

  • Becoming an Ordinary Mystic: Spirituality for the Rest of Us, By Albert Haase OFM

    Becoming an Ordinary Mystic

    Spirituality for the Rest of Us

    by Albert Haase OFM

    I should be further along on the spiritual journey. Why don't I see any progress? What am I doing wrong? Do you ever feel like you are walking in spiritual circles? While we might think it would be different for a Franciscan priest, Father Albert Haase shares the same struggles. And yet he also affirms that we are all called to be ordinary mystics, who, in the words ...

  • Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness, By Joanne J. Jung

    Knowing Grace

    Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness

    by Joanne J. Jung

    Why is it that our spiritual disciplines feel so dutiful and routine most of the time? We are called to delight in Him, to draw near and enjoy Him and yet that seems far from most of our realities. There are many fine written works describing the need, purpose, and methods of spiritual disciplines. Knowing Grace complements these by fostering and deepening the reader's engagement with ...

  • Dying to Live: The Paradox of the Crucified Life, By Clive Calver

    Dying to Live

    The Paradox of the Crucified Life

    by Clive Calver

    Many Christians acknowledge that they love Jesus but are disillusioned about their spiritual condition. They come to Christ to drink from the well of his new life, yet find that their thirst remains. Why has the Christian life not met their expectations for spiritual growth and how can they satisfy this craving for their Christian walk to have a deeper impact? Do you desperately yearn for a deeper ...

  • 4325
    product set

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    In this series which began with the bestselling Sensible Shoes, author Sharon Garlough Brown invites you to join in the journeys of Hannah, Meg, Mara, and Charissa as they—and you—gain a new understanding of friendship, spiritual truths and a deeper life with God.

    In Sensible Shoes, you will meet these four women as they reluctantly arrive at a retreat center and embark together ...

  • Coming Home to Your True Self: Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions, By Albert Haase OFM

    Coming Home to Your True Self

    Leaving the Emptiness of False Attractions

    by Albert Haase OFM
    Foreword by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    "God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk." --Meister Eckhart In Coming Home to Your True Self, Albert Haase invites you to return home--and shows you the way to get there. "Home," he writes, "is the sacrament of the present moment. It is only living right now, right here, that we discover our lives and this world awash in the grace of God." Using the story of the prodigal ...

  • The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform, By Roger E. Olson The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform, By Roger E. Olson

    The Story of Christian Theology

    Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform

    by Roger E. Olson

    Christianity Today Book of the Year Award
    ECPA Gold Medallion Award

    History is made up of stories--narratives that recount the events, movements, ideas and lives that have shaped religions and nations. Theologian Roger Olson believes that the history of Christian theology should be told as such a story, one replete with thick plots, exciting twists, interesting ...

  • Approaching the Study of Theology: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates, By Anthony C. Thiselton Approaching the Study of Theology: An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates, By Anthony C. Thiselton

    Approaching the Study of Theology

    An Introduction to Key Thinkers, Concepts, Methods & Debates

    by Anthony C. Thiselton

    From the opening pages of the Bible, we learn of God as one who communicates with humankind—offering us first steps toward knowledge of the divine, the very foothold of theology. On this basis, Approaching the Study of Theology presents an engaging introduction to the breadth and depth of the study of theology, mapping the significant landmarks as well as the main areas of debate. The ...

  • Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God, By Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God, By Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    Who Needs Theology?

    An Invitation to the Study of God

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    To many Christians theology is something alien, overly intellectual and wholly unappealing. Even seminary students are known to balk at the prospect of a course on theology. Yet theology—most simply, the knowledge of God—is essential to the life and health of the church. In this short introduction, Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson, two theologians who care deeply about the witness of ordinary Christians ...