Showing 731 - 740 of 2508 results

  • Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept, By James W. Sire

    Naming the Elephant

    Worldview as a Concept

    by James W. Sire

    What is a worldview? What lies behind your thoughts about almost everything? For more than thirty years, James W. Sire has grappled with this issue. In his widely used textbook The Universe Next Door, first published in 1976, Sire offered a succinct definition of a worldview and catalogued in summary fashion seven basic worldview alternatives. Students, critics, new literature and continued ...

  • Hostile Environment: Understanding and Responding to Anti-Christian Bias, By George Yancey

    Hostile Environment

    Understanding and Responding to Anti-Christian Bias

    by George Yancey

    "The only good Christian is a dead Christian." In our heated cultural environment, comments like this are increasingly common. Sometimes Christians are too quick to claim that they are being persecuted. But Christians aren't just being paranoid or alarmist. Anti-Christian hostility is real. Sociologist George Yancey explores the phenomenon of Christianophobia, an intense animosity against Christians ...

  • Signposts to God: How Modern Physics and Astronomy Point the Way to Belief, By Peter Bussey

    Signposts to God

    How Modern Physics and Astronomy Point the Way to Belief

    by Peter Bussey

    "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Ps 19:1). Can we still sing the words of the Psalmist in an age where scientists talk about an expanding cosmos, the Higgs boson, and the multiverse? In Signposts to God particle physicist Peter Bussey introduces readers to the mysteries of modern physics and astronomy. Written in clear, accessible prose, Bussey provides a primer ...

  • Cross-Cultural Connections: Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World, By Duane Elmer

    Cross-Cultural Connections

    Stepping Out and Fitting In Around the World

    by Duane Elmer

    With the new realities of global interconnectedness comes a greater awareness of cultural diversity from place to place. Besides differences in food and fashion, we face significant contrasts of cultural orientation and patterns of thinking. As we travel across cultures, what should we expect? How do we deal with culture shock? And can we truly connect with those we meet? Experienced cross-cultural ...

  • Everything Is (Not) Fine: Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult, By Katie Schnack

    Everything Is (Not) Fine

    Finding Strength When Life Gets Annoyingly Difficult

    by Katie Schnack

    Sometimes the world knocks us flat on our butt.

    We feel stretched further than we ever thought physically, emotionally, or spiritually possible. And though we are torn up inside, we feel like we need to keep our chin up and put a good face on things. So we pretend that everything is fine, even though it's not.

    Even in the hardest times, strength from God rises from deep ...

  • The Way of Grace: Finding God on the Path of Surrender, By Glandion Carney

    The Way of Grace

    Finding God on the Path of Surrender

    by Glandion Carney
    With Marjean Brooks
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Distinguished Honorable Mention, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "No matter how old you are or how many degrees you have or don't have—when grace takes you to school, you start in kindergarten."

    This was the experience of Reverend Glandion Carney when he was given the life-altering news that ...

  • C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ: Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith, By Art Lindsley

    C. S. Lewis's Case for Christ

    Insights from Reason, Imagination and Faith

    by Art Lindsley

    There can be many obstacles to faith. As Art Lindsley says, "Lewis knew what it was like not to believe. He struggled with many doubts along the way to faith. Since he was an ardent atheist until age thirty-one, Lewis's experience and education prepared him to understand firsthand the most common arguments against Christianity." As a scholar and teacher of literature at Oxford, Lewis ...

  • Mack  Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Missions, By J. Mack Stiles and Leeann Stiles

    Mack Leeann's Guide to Short-Term Missions

    by J. Mack Stiles and Leeann Stiles

    Today the world is as close as an airplane flight. Thousands take advantage of this, going for short visits to other countries to be more involved in God's worldwide mission. How can you prepare for such a trip? What are the hazards to avoid and the opportunities to embrace? Here is field-tested advice you should not leave home without! Mack and Leeann Stiles are veteran leaders of more ...

  • The Emotions of God: Making Sense of a God Who Hates, Weeps, and Loves, By David T. Lamb

    The Emotions of God

    Making Sense of a God Who Hates, Weeps, and Loves

    by David T. Lamb

    The God of the Bible is emotional. Many Christians don't want to associate emotions with God. Emotions feel irrational, and the idea of God experiencing hate, anger, and jealousy can be confusing and problematic. And yet the Bible is full of stories where God expresses deep emotion. Christians are often left wondering how to reconcile the tension of an all-powerful God expressing ...

  • Life in the Trinity: An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers, By Donald Fairbairn

    Life in the Trinity

    An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers

    by Donald Fairbairn

    What can the early church contribute to theology today? Although introductions to Christian theology often refer to its biblical foundations, seldom is much attention paid to the key insights the early church had into the nature of Christian faith and life. Donald Fairbairn takes us back to those biblical roots and to the central convictions of the early church, showing us what we have tended to ...