Showing 741 - 750 of 3824 results

  • The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, By Paul D. Miller

    The Religion of American Greatness

    What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism

    Foreword by David French
    by Paul D. Miller

    Long before it featured dramatically in the 2016 presidential election, Christian nationalism had sunk deep roots in the United States. From America's beginning, Christians have often merged their religious faith with national identity. But what is Christian nationalism? How is it different from patriotism? Is it an honest quirk, or something more threatening?

    Paul D. Miller, ...

  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, By J. I. Packer

    Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

    by J. I. Packer
    Foreword by Mark Dever

    J. I. Packer's Classic Resource on Evangelism

    If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all?

    J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, readers ...

  • Transforming Discipleship, By Greg Ogden

    Transforming Discipleship

    by Greg Ogden

    Many church leaders, yearning for church growth, look to the latest evangelistic strategies or seeker-targeted worship services. But lack of growth might not be due to lack of concern for new people—it may be because we are not effectively discipling the people we already have. Greg Ogden address the need for discipleship in the local church and recovers Jesus' method of accomplishing life change ...

  • 1 & 2 Peter and Jude, By N. T. Wright

    1 & 2 Peter and Jude

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    How does a Christian behave when surrounded by a hostile world that doesn't understand who we are or why we do what we do? In three letters, Peter and Jude provide some answers: Abandon the old pagan ways. Learn the new habit of love. Put on the mental armor that will make you strong to face suffering that may come. These nine studies from Tom Wright show you the wisdom of their words for us today ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • The Bible Study Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice, By Lindsay Olesberg

    The Bible Study Handbook

    A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice

    by Lindsay Olesberg
    Foreword by Ajith Fernando

    There are Bibles literally all over the place. You can find them in the drawer of the end table in your hotel room, under the pews at your local church, on the shelves of your local library or bookstore, posted in full and in multiple versions on any number of websites. You can find them in every corner of the earth, even (if you look carefully enough) in places where they're forbidden.

    So ...

  • What does it look like to disrupt the church and world as we know it? The Disrupters podcast from IVP, hosted by Kaitlyn Schiess, features stories of positive disruption from both emerging and trusted voices within Christianity. These authors, pastors, scholars, activists, and creators tell their honest stories about the experiences that have challenged their thinking about faith, the church, and their calling in life.

  • Beyond the Clinical Hour: How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis, By James N. Sells and Amy Trout and Heather C. Sells

    Beyond the Clinical Hour

    How Counselors Can Partner with the Church to Address the Mental Health Crisis

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by James N. Sells, Amy Trout, and Heather C. Sells
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    The global mental health crisis is growing faster than our existing mental health care system can address. To meet the scope of human need, we need new models of care. The good news is that there is an institution uniquely positioned with the resources and the heart to help: the church.

    Psychologists James Sells and Amy Trout and journalist Heather Sells know firsthand the ...

  • Films for All Seasons: Experiencing the Church Year at the Movies, By Abby Olcese

    Films for All Seasons

    Experiencing the Church Year at the Movies

    by Abby Olcese
    Foreword by Josh Larsen

    The Spiritual Practice of Watching Movies

    What’s your favorite Christmas movie? Easter movie? Pentecost movie? Casual viewers and movie buffs alike have favorite movies to watch at certain times of the year. But for film critic Abby Olcese, movies with spiritual themes aren't just limited to the holiday season. They’re part of a deep human need to connect our favorite stories ...

  • 4928
    product set

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    Worship of the triune God stands at the heart of the Christian life, so understanding the many dynamics of Christian worship—including prayer, reading the Bible, preaching, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, music, visual art, architecture, and more—is both a perennial and crucial issue for the church.

    With that in mind, the Dynamics of Christian Worship (DCW) series seeks to enable Christians to ...