Showing 751 - 760 of 1444 results

  • Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism, By Mark D. Baker

    Centered-Set Church

    Discipleship and Community Without Judgmentalism

    by Mark D. Baker

    Christians can be adept at drawing lines, determining what it means to be "a good Christian" and judging those who stray out of bounds. Other times they erase all the lines in favor of a vague and inoffensive faith. Both impulses can come from positive intentions, but either can lead to stunted spiritual life and harmful relationships. Is there another option?

    The late missionary ...

  • Contemporary Art and the Church: A Conversation Between Two Worlds, Edited by W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley

    Contemporary Art and the Church

    A Conversation Between Two Worlds

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    Edited by W. David O. Taylor and Taylor Worley

    The church and the contemporary art world often find themselves in an uneasy relationship in which misunderstanding and mistrust abound.

    On one hand, the leaders of local congregations, seminaries, and other Christian ministries often don't know what to make of works by contemporary artists. Not only are these artists mostly unknown to church leaders, they and their work often ...

  • Local and Universal: A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity, By C. Ryan Fields

    Local and Universal

    A Free Church Account of Ecclesial Catholicity

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by C. Ryan Fields

    In the words of the creeds, the church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic body of Christ.

    Of those features, perhaps none is as misunderstood as the church's catholicity (that is, its universality)—because while the church is universal, it is also radically local, connected to a particular community or even found on a specific street corner. How might we reclaim the ...

  • Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option: One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism, By Jenny Booth Potter

    Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option

    One Woman's Journey into Everyday Antiracism

    by Jenny Booth Potter
    Foreword by Austin Channing Brown

    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization. She decided that racism in all its forms—in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families–could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn't know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing ...

  • Hopeful Realism: Evangelical Natural Law and Democratic Politics, By Jesse Covington and Bryan T. McGraw and Micah Watson

    Hopeful Realism

    Evangelical Natural Law and Democratic Politics

    by Jesse Covington, Bryan T. McGraw, and Micah Watson

    A Natural Law Framework for Evangelicals Today

    During a time when political conversations are marked by deep polarization and difficult decision-making, what resources do evangelicals have to think critical and theologically about public life?

    For political theorists Bryan T. McGraw, Jesse Covington, and Micah Watson, a crucial resource is to be found in natural law, ...

  • With more than one hundred thousand members throughout its lifetime, IVP's Press-o-matic, which came to be known as the IVP Book Club, has been operating for fifty-seven of IVP's seventy-five years, making it the longest-running book club specifically for Christians. IVP is now expanding on the history of the Book Club with the introduction of IVP Book Drop.