Showing 751 - 760 of 1316 results

  • An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology, By Thomas H. McCall

    An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology

    by Thomas H. McCall

    In recent decades a new movement has arisen, bringing the conceptual tools of analytic philosophy to bear on theological reflection. Called analytic theology, it seeks to bring a clarity of thought and a disciplined use of logic to the work of constructive Christian theology. In this introduction to analytic theology for specialists and nonspecialists alike, Thomas McCall lays out what it is and ...

  • Tyranny of the Urgent, By Charles E. Hummel

    Tyranny of the Urgent

    IVP Booklets

    by Charles E. Hummel

    With over one million copies in print, this classic from Charles E. Hummel has transformed the minds and hearts of generations of Christians. Its simplicity and depth is a foundational resource for all who have felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities of each day, week, month and year. Hummel starts with Jesus' own model of work and ministry, a model that is at once unrushed and focused. From ...

  • Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern, By Jason B. Hood

    Imitating God in Christ

    Recapturing a Biblical Pattern

    by Jason B. Hood

    Should we imitate Jesus? Some Christians answer with a cheerful "Yes," seeing it as the sum of the Christian life. Others believe we should rely on the work of Christ alone, throwing off any hint of the moralism or "works righteousness" they associate with imitating Jesus. Jason Hood takes us on a tour of what the Bible has to say about imitating Jesus. He draws our attention to what Paul told ...

  • Questions Muslims Ask: What Christians Actually Do (and Don't) Believe, By Robert Scott

    Questions Muslims Ask

    What Christians Actually Do (and Don't) Believe

    by Robert Scott

    Christians and Muslims don't understand each other very well. Muslims have often heard that Christians worship three gods, or that the Injil, the Christian Scripture, has been corrupted. How can Christians explain their faith in a way that Muslims can understand? In his work with Muslims in central London, Robert Scott has discovered that many are quite open to talking about matters of ...

  • Values in Conflict: Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession, By Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Values in Conflict

    Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession

    by Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller

    Can nursing be Christian? The answer may seem obvious, yet in our pluralistic society, Christian nurses are often told to keep their values out of their work. In fact, Judith Shelly and Arlene Miller ask, can anyone nurse without being guided by some values? Or do advocates of "value-free" nursing actually struggle in their own, non-religious values? In response to such pressures, many Christian ...

  • Johannine Theology: The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse, By Paul A. Rainbow

    Johannine Theology

    The Gospel, the Epistles and the Apocalypse

    by Paul A. Rainbow

    In this magisterial synthesis, Paul A. Rainbow presents the most complete account of the theology of the Johannine corpus available today. Both critical and comprehensive, this volume includes all the books of the New Testament ascribed to John: the Gospel, the three epistles and the book of Revelation. While not proclaiming a definitive position on the question of authorship, this work seeks ...

  • The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education: Forming Whole and Holy Persons, Edited byChristopher Gehrz

    The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education

    Forming Whole and Holy Persons

    Edited by Christopher Gehrz

    Pietism has long been ignored in evangelical scholarship. This is especially the case in the field of Christian higher education, which is dominated by thinkers in the Reformed tradition and complicated by the association of Pietism with anti-intellectualism. The irony is that Pietism from the beginning "was intimately bound up with education," according to Diarmaid MacCulloch. But until now there ...

  • A Field Guide to Narnia, By Colin Duriez

    A Field Guide to Narnia

    by Colin Duriez
    Foreword by Brian Sibley

    Are you traveling to Narnia? No matter if this is your first visit to C. S. Lewis's wonderful fantasy world or if you've been there many times, you'll want to bring along this handy companion to the landscape and inhabitants of Narnia, including an A-to-Z guide to characters, places, objects and events. From Narnia expert Colin Duriez you'll learn

    • more about the mind behind Narnia
    • how ...
  • Forty Days on Being a One, By Juanita Campbell Rasmus

    Forty Days on Being a One

    Enneagram Daily Reflections

    by Juanita Campbell Rasmus
    Series edited by Suzanne Stabile

    "I am a number One on the Enneagram."

    Juanita Rasmus continues: "If you are a One, you know the weight of the world we carry. If you know a One, these readings will give you enhanced insight into our world. Either way, bring your work boots—you will need them!"

    Guided by her own life, including experiences with exhaustion and depression, Juanita Rasmus draws from the ...

    Number of Studies: 40

  • Corporal Punishment in the Bible: A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts, By William J. Webb

    Corporal Punishment in the Bible

    A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts

    by William J. Webb

    William Webb confronts those often avoided biblical passages that call for the corporal punishment of children, slaves and wrongdoers. How should we understand and apply them today? Are we obligated to replicate those injunctions today? Or does the proper interpretation of them point in a different direction? Webb notes that most of the Christian church is at best inconsistent in its application ...