Showing 761 - 770 of 3945 results

  • New Bible Commentary, Edited by Gordon J. Wenham and J. Alec Motyer and D.A. Carson and R. T. France

    New Bible Commentary

    The New Bible Set

    Edited by Gordon J. Wenham, J. Alec Motyer, D.A. Carson, and R. T. France

    Christianity Today's Book of the Year

    A Trusted Resource for Evangelical Commentary on Scripture

    For decades, the New Bible Commentary has set the standard for works of its kind. Now in this up-to-date fourth edition, the New Bible Commentary is positioned to maintain its standing as the leading one-volume commentary on the whole Bible ...

  • Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church, By W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church, By W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    Theology as Retrieval

    Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church

    by W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    "Tradition is the living faith of the dead." —Jaroslav Pelikan The movement to retrieve the Christian past is a mode of theological discernment, a cultivated habit of thought. It views the doctrines, practices and resonant realities of the Christian tradition as deep wells for a thirsty age. This movement across the church looks back in order to move forward. David Buschart and Kent Eilers survey ...

  • Listening to God in Times of Choice: The Art of Discerning God's Will, By Gordon T. Smith

    Listening to God in Times of Choice

    The Art of Discerning God's Will

    by Gordon T. Smith

    All Christians yearn to live at the center of God's will. But how to discern his will is an art that eludes many of us. And the advice we get often conflicts. Some tell us to look for a divine "blueprint"-the one perfect plan for our lives that we need to find. We are encouraged to search the Scriptures and hunt for signs, trying to uncover the map of our lives that God has drawn. Others have ...

  • An Unhurried Leader: The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence, By Alan Fadling

    An Unhurried Leader

    The Lasting Fruit of Daily Influence

    by Alan Fadling

    What does grace-paced leadership look like? Spiritual mentor. Pastor. Executive director. Parent. Professor. Spouse. We have many roles and relationships. And in the midst of all we do, we're tempted to frantically take control of situations in hopes of making good things happen. Alan Fadling, author of An Unhurried Life, writes: "That kind of unholy hurry may make me look busy, but ...

  • IVP author Jean Vanier has been awarded the Templeton Prize, valued at $1.7 million. Vanier is the author, with Stanley Hauerwas, of Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness, and the founder of L'Arche, an international network of communities where people with and without learning disabilities experience life together as fellow human beings who share a mutuality of care and need. Started in 1964, L'Arche, French for "The Ark," now includes 147 communities in 35 nations and 1,500 Faith and Light support groups in 82 nations.

  • Jonathan Edwards and Deification: Reconciling Theosis and the Reformed Tradition, By James R. Salladin

    Jonathan Edwards and Deification

    Reconciling Theosis and the Reformed Tradition

    New Explorations in Theology

    by James R. Salladin

    The doctrine of deification or theosis is typically associated with the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Indeed, the language of participation in the divine nature as a way to understand salvation often sounds like strange music in the ears of Western Christians despite passages like 2 Peter 1:4 where it appears. However, recent scholarship has argued that the theologies of ...

  • The Millennial Maze, By Stanley J. Grenz

    The Millennial Maze

    by Stanley J. Grenz

    Jesus is coming back! On this issue Evangelicals are united. But ask, "When will he return? Before or after the millennium? What will the millennium be like? What exactly is our hope?" and you enter a bewildering maze of options all claiming to be the right one. In this book Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four major positions held ...

  • Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission, By Dean Flemming

    Contextualization in the New Testament

    Patterns for Theology and Mission

    by Dean Flemming

    Winner of a Christianity Today Book Award

    Honored as one of the "Fifteen Outstanding Books for Mission Studies" by International Bulletin of Missionary Research

    From Cairo to Calcutta, from Cochabamba to Columbus, Christians are engaged in a conversation about how to speak and live the gospel in today's traditional, modern and emergent ...

  • The Gap Decade: When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like It Yet, By Katie Schnack

    The Gap Decade

    When You're Technically an Adult but Really Don't Feel Like It Yet

    by Katie Schnack

    "A gap decade isn't a cute whim of a decision to take a pause and travel to Italy for a few months. Nah. A gap decade is a cluster of challenging, transitional years that the universe just dumps in your lap. And my lap. And pretty much everyone's lap. It's that twilight zone between 'young person' and 'full-blown adult' that sort of washes in, bringing with it a bit of chaos, growth, ...

  • Apocrypha, Edited by Sever Voicu


    Volume 15

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Sever Voicu
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    While the canonical status of the Greek and Latin Old Testament texts commented on within this volume has been understood differently within Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox traditions, their longstanding use within the Christian churches makes them worthy of careful study and reflection. As noted in the Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, Jerome says that the church ...