Showing 771 - 780 of 2658 results

  • IVP author Jean Vanier has been awarded the Templeton Prize, valued at $1.7 million. Vanier is the author, with Stanley Hauerwas, of Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness, and the founder of L'Arche, an international network of communities where people with and without learning disabilities experience life together as fellow human beings who share a mutuality of care and need. Started in 1964, L'Arche, French for "The Ark," now includes 147 communities in 35 nations and 1,500 Faith and Light support groups in 82 nations.

  • Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament Set

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    It's almost second nature for Christians to call God Father. Jesus taught his followers as much, although for them it was apparently a surprising practice. The worshiping community of the Old Testament used fatherly images for understanding God's character and actions, but "Father" was not a common way for believers to address God. In Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Christopher ...

  • Why the Rest Hates the West: Understanding the Roots of Global Rage, By Meic Pearse

    Why the Rest Hates the West

    Understanding the Roots of Global Rage

    by Meic Pearse

    "Why do they hate us so much?" Many in the U.S. are baffled at the hatred and anti-Western sentiment they see on the international news. Why are people around the world so resentful of Western cultural values and ideals? Historian Meic Pearse unpacks the deep divides between the West and the rest of the world. He shows how many of the underlying assumptions of Western civilization directly oppose ...

  • The Spirit, Ethics, and Eternal Life: Paul's Vision for the Christian Life in Galatians, By Jarvis J. Williams

    The Spirit, Ethics, and Eternal Life

    Paul's Vision for the Christian Life in Galatians

    by Jarvis J. Williams

    What should the Christian life look like? What vision does Scripture cast for living as a follower of Christ?

    The New Testament scholar Jarvis Williams considers how Paul's letter to the Galatians can inform our understanding of the Christian life here and now as well as into eternity. What emerges from this careful study is a multifaceted vision of God's saving action in ...

  • The Gospel of Christmas: Reflections for Advent, By Patty Kirk

    The Gospel of Christmas

    Reflections for Advent

    by Patty Kirk

    A child yearns as at no other time in the days leading up to Christmas. That yearning doesn't entirely go away as we grow older. It still lingers in the backs of our minds. We imagine that Christmas is mainly for children and our adult lives don't stop in the way that children's lives stop on Christmas morning, so we don't give ourselves time to notice the yearning. But it's there--hope mingled ...