Showing 781 - 790 of 2910 results

  • Standing with the Vulnerable: A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities, By Gil Odendaal

    Standing with the Vulnerable

    A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities

    by Gil Odendaal

    The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. God calls us to integral mission— obeying both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment in ministering to people's spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • The Essential Question: How You Can Make a Difference for God, By Whitney T. Kuniholm

    The Essential Question

    How You Can Make a Difference for God

    by Whitney T. Kuniholm

    "I don't want to look back someday and realize I wasted my time. I want my life to count for something important." "This world is a very needy place. If my Christian faith means anything at all, I've got to figure out what I can do about it." Have you ever asked yourself, What difference am I making with my life? On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Clouds of Witnesses: Christian Voices from Africa and Asia, By Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom

    Clouds of Witnesses

    Christian Voices from Africa and Asia

    by Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom

    As Africa and Asia take their place as the new Christian heartlands, a new and robust company of saints is coming into view. In seventeen inspiring narratives Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom introduce pivotal Christian leaders in Africa and Asia who had tenacious faith in the midst of deprivation, suffering and conflict. Spanning a century, from the 1880s to the 1980s, their stories demonstrate the ...

  • Walking with God Through the Valley: Recovering the Purpose of Biblical Lament, By May Young

    Walking with God Through the Valley

    Recovering the Purpose of Biblical Lament

    by May Young

    Recovering the Practice of Lament

    The church desperately needs to recover the practice of lament. But what exactly are we asking for?

    The call for lament echoes throughout the pages of Scripture. This ever-present genre shaped the lives of ancient communities, and it should shape the practices of churches today. And yet contemporary Christian communities often don't ...