Showing 781 - 790 of 1725 results

  • Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion, By Lamar Hardwick

    Disability and the Church

    A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion

    by Lamar Hardwick
    Foreword by Bill Gaventa

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Lamar Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. While this revelation helped him understand and process his own experience, it also prompted a difficult re-evaluation of who he was as a person. And as a pastor, it started him on a new path of considering the way disabled people are treated ...

  • Naked Surrender: Coming Home to Our True Sexuality, By Andrew Comiskey

    Naked Surrender

    Coming Home to Our True Sexuality

    by Andrew Comiskey

    Would you like to

    • embrace the God-given gift of sexuality?
    • become free and stay free from sexual idols?
    • be comfortable in your own body?
    • love and value others, both in singleness and marriage?

    Help is here. Jesus sees our bodies as temples, houses where he wants to live. And no matter what we've done sexually or what's been done to us, he can reclaim ...

  • Integrative Psychotherapy: Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach, By Mark R. McMinn and Clark D. Campbell

    Integrative Psychotherapy

    Toward a Comprehensive Christian Approach

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Mark R. McMinn and Clark D. Campbell

    Mark McMinn and Clark Campbell present an integrative model of psychotherapy that is grounded in Christian biblical and theological teaching and in a critical and constructive engagement with contemporary psychology. Now in paperback, this foundational work integrates behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models of therapy within a Christian theological framework. Not only do the authors integrate ...

  • Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen, By Mark Oestreicher Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen, By Mark Oestreicher


    Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen

    by Mark Oestreicher
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Why are some people full of hope, while many of us struggle to get past the snooze alarm? Hope often seems elusive—both to explain and to experience. So we find ourselves instead clinging to lesser substitutes. From self-medication to lazy clichés, we apply these balms to our pain and experience little to no comfort. But we know, in our guts, that these replacements aren?t the hope-filled lives ...

  • Insider Jesus: Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements, By William A. Dyrness Insider Jesus: Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements, By William A. Dyrness

    Insider Jesus

    Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements

    by William A. Dyrness

    • Christianity Today's 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Missions/Global Church

    Amidst the variegated spread of global Christianity, followers of Jesus are showing up in unexpected places. Today we hear of culturally embedded insider movements, Jesus followers in the folds and creases of Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, and other cultural fabrics. They elude our conventional ...

  • The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities, By Adrian Pei

    The Minority Experience

    Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities

    by Adrian Pei

    It's hard to be in the minority. If you're the only person from your ethnic or cultural background in your organization or team, you probably know what it's like to be misunderstood or marginalized. You might find yourself inadvertently overlooked or actively silenced. Even when a work environment is not blatantly racist or hostile, people of color often struggle to thrive—and ...

  • God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom, By Graham Cole

    God the Peacemaker

    How Atonement Brings Shalom

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Graham Cole
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    What does God intend for his broken creation? In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Graham A. Cole seeks to answer this question by setting the atoning work of the cross in the broad framework of God's grand plan to restore the created order, and places the story of Jesus, his cross and empty tomb within it. Since we have become paradoxically the glory and garbage of the universe, our ...

  • Fixing the Moral Deficit: A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget, By Ronald J. Sider

    Fixing the Moral Deficit

    A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget

    by Ronald J. Sider

    The national deficit is certainly a crisis. But alongside it a moral deficit is exploding as well. Some want to unjustly thrust the burden of the debt on our grandchildren. Others want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. But both plans are morally bankrupt. There is a way--a realistic way, a moral way--to fix the deficit. We can break political gridlock with solutions that stand on ...