Showing 71 - 80 of 602 results

  • Faith-Rooted Organizing: Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World, By Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    Faith-Rooted Organizing

    Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World

    by Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    With so many injustices, small and great, across the world and right at our doorstep, what are people of faith to do? Since the 1930s, organizing movements for social justice in the U.S. have largely been built on assumptions that are secular origin—such as reliance on self-interest and having a common enemy as a motivator for change. But what if Christians were to shape their organizing around ...

  • The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World, By Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    The Next Worship

    Glorifying God in a Diverse World

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Sandra Maria Van Opstal
    Foreword by Mark Labberton

    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award of Merit

    What happens when a diverse church glorifies the global God?

    We live in a time of unprecedented intercultural exchange, where our communities welcome people from around the world. Music and media from every culture are easily accessible, and our worship is infused with a rich variety of musical ...

  • The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World: Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing, Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World

    Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing

    Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    "Blessed are the peacemakers."

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our broken, violent world.

    In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and practitioners on the importance and implementation ...

  • Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, By George Yancey

    Beyond Racial Gridlock

    Embracing Mutual Responsibility

    by George Yancey

    Christians have struggled with racial issues for centuries, and often inadvertently contribute to the problem. Many proposed solutions have been helpful, but these only take us so far. Adding to this complex situation is the reality that Christians of different races see the issues differently. Sociologist George Yancey surveys a range of approaches to racial healing that Christians have used and ...

  • Persevering Power: Encouragement for When You're Oppressed by Life, By Bruce D. Strom

    Persevering Power

    Encouragement for When You're Oppressed by Life

    by Bruce D. Strom
    Foreword by Eugene Cho

    Life is filled with challenges. We might be weary and overwhelmed by the world around us. Whether we are facing personal struggles or working against unjust circumstances, it can feel like the odds are against us. Does God care? How can we carry on?

    There is hope for us because God is a God of justice who cares for people in distress. Bruce Strom shows how those facing difficulties ...

  • More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, By Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    More Than Equals

    Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    "The first step in the reconciliation process," Spencer Perkins writes, "is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel."

    When longtime ministry partners and friends Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice began writing More Than Equals in the early 1990s, their goal was to offer an example of how ...

  • The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities, By Adrian Pei

    The Minority Experience

    Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities

    by Adrian Pei

    It's hard to be in the minority. If you're the only person from your ethnic or cultural background in your organization or team, you probably know what it's like to be misunderstood or marginalized. You might find yourself inadvertently overlooked or actively silenced. Even when a work environment is not blatantly racist or hostile, people of color often struggle to thrive—and ...

  • Throughout its seventy-five years of publishing, InterVarsity Press (IVP) has been intentional about providing books that address issues of justice, race, ethnic identity, and other topics that speak to the culture and the church as a whole. During Black History Month in February, IVP will celebrate its legacy by remembering the many IVP authors who have written and are writing boldly and prophetically about the history, and the future, of the Black experience.