Showing 71 - 80 of 324 results

  • 4913
    product set

    New Explorations in Theology

    Theology is flourishing in dynamic and unexpected ways in the twenty-first century. Scholars are increasingly recognizing the global character of the church, freely crossing old academic boundaries and challenging previously entrenched interpretations. Despite living in a culture of uncertainty, both young and senior scholars today are engaged in hopeful and creative work in the areas of systematic, ...

  • 5063
    product set

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    IVP Academic's Studies in Theology and the Arts (STA) series seeks to enable Christians to reflect more deeply upon the relationship between their faith and humanity's artistic and cultural expressions. By drawing on the insights of both academic theologians and artistic practitioners, this series encourages thoughtful engagement with and critical discernment of the full variety of artistic media—including ...

  • 5313
    product set

    Exploring the Bible Series

    These clearly written introductions offer a student-friendly approach that is rooted in up-to-date scholarship and actual classroom experience. Particularly aimed at students of theology, the Exploring the Bible Series introduces

    • Jewish and Roman background
    • literary genres and forms
    • conventional as well as new approaches to the study of Scripture
    • debated issues ...
  • Absolute Truth?, By Mark Ashton

    Absolute Truth?

    IVP Booklets

    by Mark Ashton

    Is it closed-minded to think there are absolutes in this world--including elements of the Christian gospel? This booklet clearly and logically discusses pluralism and relativism, then goes on to lead readers to determine religious truth for themselves. Author Mark Ashton challenges readers to put Christianity (and any other religion for that matter) to the test--the test for absolute truth.

  • 5511
    product set

    Questions in Christian Philosophy

    How do we know? What should we do? What is real? What is art?

    Philosophy, which means "the love of wisdom," asks such questions in its pursuit of knowledge and understanding of all facets of life: existence, knowledge, ethics, art, and more. But what does it mean for Christians to pursue wisdom when Scripture affirms that the crucified and risen Christ is "the wisdom of God" ...