Showing 801 - 810 of 1065 results

  • More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, By Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    More Than Equals

    Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    "The first step in the reconciliation process," Spencer Perkins writes, "is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel."

    When longtime ministry partners and friends Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice began writing More Than Equals in the early 1990s, their goal was to offer an example of how ...

  • Preventing Suicide: A Handbook for Pastors, Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors, By Karen Mason

    Preventing Suicide

    A Handbook for Pastors, Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors

    by Karen Mason

    12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year

    What is the church's role in suicide prevention?

    While we tend to view the work of suicide prevention as the task of professional therapists and doctors, the church can also play a vital role. Studies show that religious faith is an important factor reducing the risk of suicide. Yet many pastors, chaplains ...

  • The Art of Dying: Living Fully into the Life to Come, By Rob Moll

    The Art of Dying

    Living Fully into the Life to Come

    by Rob Moll
    Afterword by Clarissa Moll

    Death will come to us all, but most of us live our lives as if death did not exist. Medicine has made dying more complicated and more removed from the experience of most people. Death is partitioned off to hospital rooms, separated from our daily lives. Most of us find ourselves at a loss when death approaches. We don't know how to die well.

    For centuries Christians have prepared ...

  • Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One's Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope, By Albert Y. Hsu

    Grieving a Suicide

    A Loved One's Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope

    by Albert Y. Hsu

    A 2003 Finalist in the United Kingdom Christian Book Awards

    "Albert," the neighbor said, "your mom needs you to come home."

    That's how it began for Albert Hsu when his father died. Anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide experiences tremendous shock and trauma. What follows is a confusing mix of emotions—anger, guilt, grief, and despair.

    Suicide raises heartrending ...

  • Hold That Thought: Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads, By Gem Fadling

    Hold That Thought

    Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads

    by Gem Fadling

    "You're not good enough."

    "You need to try harder."

    "Everything's fine!"

    These are the sorts of voices that we all have in our heads, and they often push us to act in ways that are both unhelpful and unsustainable. How do we quiet these narratives? More importantly, amid the chatter, how do we hear the voice of God?

    Gem Fadling ...

  • Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer, By David G. Benner

    Opening to God

    Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer

    by David G. Benner

    Most Christians want to experience spiritual transformation. But many are frustrated by the limited progress of our spiritual self-improvement efforts. We find our praying burdened by a sense of obligation and failure.

    But prayer is not merely something we do; prayer is what God does in us. Prayer is not just communication with God—it is communion with God. As we open ourselves ...

  • Becoming Dallas Willard: The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower, By Gary W. Moon

    Becoming Dallas Willard

    The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower

    by Gary W. Moon
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster
    Afterword by John Ortberg

    ECPA Christian Book Award Finalist; Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist

    Everyone who met Dallas Willard was impressed by his personal attention, calm confidence, wisdom, and profound sense of the spiritual. But he was not always the man who seemed to live on a different plane of reality than the rest of us.

    Dallas absorbed some of the harshest ...

  • Triune Relationality: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism, By Sherene Nicholas Khouri

    Triune Relationality

    A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Monotheism

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Sherene Nicholas Khouri
    Foreword by Gary R. Habermas

    For centuries, Christians and Muslims have engaged each other in debate and critique. A key area of disagreement is the nature of God: Is God a Trinity or absolutely one? To promote interfaith dialogue, Christians must understand the history of the conversation and also articulate the doctrine of the Trinity in reasonable, compelling ways.

    In this New Explorations in Theology ...

  • How to Read the Psalms, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read the Psalms

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    The Psalms possess an enduring fascination for us. For frankness, directness, intensity and intimacy, they are unrivaled in all of Scripture. Somehow the psalmists seem to have anticipated all our awe, desires and frustrations. No wonder Christians have used the Psalms in worship from the earliest times to the present.

    Yet the Psalms cause us difficulties when we look at them closely. Their ...

  • More Than Things: A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture, By Paul Louis Metzger

    More Than Things

    A Personalist Ethics for a Throwaway Culture

    by Paul Louis Metzger

    We live in a culture of commodification. People are too often defined by what they do or own; they're treated as means to an end or cogs in a machine. What goes missing is a deep sense of personhood—the belief that all humans are unique subjects with inherent worth and the right to self-determination in authentic communion with others.

    In a world dominated by things, ...