Showing 811 - 820 of 2853 results

  • Isaiah: Trusting God in Troubled Times, By Howard Peskett


    Trusting God in Troubled Times

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Howard Peskett

    Do you look around you and see nothing but trouble? Or are you experiencing firsthand a time of suffering? Do you wonder how any good can come out of the world you live in? In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, you'll discover that trouble and suffering are nothing new to God's people. But the prophet Isaiah raises a loud cry for revival in this midst of a rotting society. Isaiah firmly believes ...

    Number of Studies: 22

  • This Morning with God: One Year Through the Gospels and Psalms, Edited by Carol Adeney and Bill Weimer

    This Morning with God

    One Year Through the Gospels and Psalms

    The IVP Signature Collection

    Edited by Carol Adeney and Bill Weimer

    What is God saying to you today?

    The Bible is a book about God and his relationship to people throughout history. But it's also a book about you. How can you discover what the Bible means and what it means for you today?

    This Morning with God is a guide to help you dive deep into the text of Scripture and reflect on its implications for your life. With ...

  • The Gospel Code: Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci, By Ben Witherington III

    The Gospel Code

    Novel Claims About Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci

    by Ben Witherington III

    Dan Brown's international bestseller The Da Vinci Code has raised many questions in the minds of readers.

    • Was Jesus really married to Mary Magdalene?
    • Did he father a child with her?
    • Did Constantine suppress the earliest Gospels and invent the doctrine of Christ's divinity?
    • Do the Gnostic Gospels represent the true Christian faith which the early church ...
  • This Black History Month, let your theology, ministry, and spiritual life be formed by Black voices. With voices that come from the church, academy, and beyond, these authors have insight for every Christian. Start or deepen your learning journey here.

  • The Doctrine of Creation: A Constructive Kuyperian Approach, By Bruce Riley Ashford and Craig G. Bartholomew

    The Doctrine of Creation

    A Constructive Kuyperian Approach

    by Bruce Riley Ashford and Craig G. Bartholomew

    Christianity Today Book Award
    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    Apart from the doctrine of God, no doctrine is as comprehensive as that of creation. It is woven throughout the entire fabric of Christian theology. It goes to the deepest roots of reality and leaves no area of life untouched. Across the centuries, however, the doctrine of creation ...

  • The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition gently updates the classic Anglican liturgical text for contemporary use. Will the international edition be a good fit for your congregation? What is the nature of the changes and updates? Browse this page to get answers to your questions and to download numerous free resources and extra materials to go alongside the book.

  • Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age, By Felicia Wu Song

    Restless Devices

    Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age

    by Felicia Wu Song

    We're being formed by our devices. Today's digital technologies are designed to captivate our attention and encroach on our boundaries, shaping how we relate to time and space, to ourselves and others, even to God. Our natural longing for relationship makes us vulnerable to the "industrializing" effects of social media. While we enjoy the benefits of digital tech, many of us feel ...

  • Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, By Andy Crouch

    Strong and Weak

    Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Andy Crouch

    Flourishing people are strong and weak.

    Two common temptations lure us away from abundant living: withdrawing into safety and grasping for power. True flourishing, says Andy Crouch, travels down an unexpected path—being both strong and weak.

    We see this unlikely mixture in the best leaders—people who use their authority for the benefit of others while also showing extraordinary ...

  • Caring for Sexually Abused Children: A Handbook for Families  Churches, By Dr. R. Timothy Kearney

    Caring for Sexually Abused Children

    A Handbook for Families Churches

    by Dr. R. Timothy Kearney

    Dealing with the sexual abuse of a child is painful and difficult. When it happens to children within our church families, we all are affected and wonder how to respond.

    • What help should we seek?
    • What support can we offer?
    • What healing is possible?
    • What can we do to prevent abuse in the future?

    In this warm and hopeful book, R. Timothy Kearney shows ...