Showing 821 - 830 of 3705 results

  • The Devoted Life: An Invitation to the Puritan Classics, Edited by Kelly M. Kapic and Randall C. Gleason

    The Devoted Life

    An Invitation to the Puritan Classics

    Edited by Kelly M. Kapic and Randall C. Gleason

    The Puritans are frequently maligned but seldom understood. Far from the dour malcontents they are often portrayed to be, most Puritans were wholesomely engaged in life. This book is designed to introduce you to a wide range of influential Puritan writers and a representative work for each that pushes through stereotypes to the heart and soul of these Christian pastors and theologians. With a clear ...

  • InterVarsity Press author Carolyn Weber was one of the featured authors at the Canadian Christian Booksellers Association retailer event Summer in Paris on August 6 at David C. Cook Distribution in Canada. CBA retailers from Canada had the opportunity to spend a summer day in Paris where they gained great ideas for engaging with the churches in their communities, were introduced to up-and-coming Christian worship leaders and engaged with Weber and Christian fiction author Sandra Orchard.

  • Finding Holy in the Suburbs: Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much, By Ashley Hales

    Finding Holy in the Suburbs

    Living Faithfully in the Land of Too Much

    by Ashley Hales
    Foreword by Emily P. Freeman

    Suburban life—including tract homes, strip malls, commuter culture—shapes our desires. More than half of Americans live in the suburbs. Ashley Hales writes that for many Christians, however: "The suburbs are ignored ('Your place doesn't matter, we're all going to heaven anyway'), denigrated and demeaned ('You're selfish if you live in a suburb; you only care about your own safety ...

  • The Pursuit of Safety: A Theology of Danger, Risk, and Security, By Jeremy Lundgren

    The Pursuit of Safety

    A Theology of Danger, Risk, and Security

    Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture

    by Jeremy Lundgren

    What does it mean to pursue safety in the Christian life?

    Safety is among the most important concerns of human life: we pursue it instinctively and go to great lengths to avoid danger or harm. However, the category of safety has received surprisingly little focused theological reflection. Important questions for the church have gone unanswered: How do secular understandings ...

  • Community Is Messy: The Perils and Promise of Small Group Ministry, By Heather Zempel

    Community Is Messy

    The Perils and Promise of Small Group Ministry

    by Heather Zempel

    Heather Zempel oversees the community life at a multisite church in Washington, D.C., a challenging population with one of the highest relocation rates in the United States. And yet under her leadership, National Community Church has become a model for creative, dynamic, deep small group ministry. Drawing from her background as an environmental engineer (including such bizarre experiences as monitoring ...

  • Your Mind's Mission, By Greg Jao

    Your Mind's Mission

    Urbana Onward

    by Greg Jao

    Your mind has a mission. Sometimes it might seem like Christians just want your body—to serve or go. Or it might seem like they just want your heart—to emote in worship or commit to a cause. But that's not all. God invites us to love him with our minds as well. Being holistic, global Christians means that we need to think well about the world around us. Greg Jao roots our pursuit of the discipleship ...