Showing 831 - 840 of 3663 results

  • Contemplation and Counseling: An Integrative Model for Practitioners, By P. Gregg Blanton

    Contemplation and Counseling

    An Integrative Model for Practitioners

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by P. Gregg Blanton

    Interest in mindfulness and contemplative thought is growing among Christians, and it's time to consider the place of contemplative prayer within the field of counseling. Can contemplative prayer be integrated into therapeutic work? Can it in fact serve as a foundation on which to build a new approach to counseling? In Contemplation and Counseling Gregg Blanton presents ...

  • Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?, By James W. Sire

    Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?

    by James W. Sire

    • A Christianity Today 1995 Books of the Year Finalist

    Believing. Most of us take it for granted. We just do it--whether it's trusting that the sun will come up tomorrow, that the lunch we are about to eat is not poisoned or that our religious beliefs are not ill-founded. But why should we believe any of these things? Why should anyone believe anything at ...

  • Rational Faith: A Philosopher's Defense of Christianity, By Stephen T. Davis

    Rational Faith

    A Philosopher's Defense of Christianity

    Veritas Books

    by Stephen T. Davis

    • 2017 Dallas Willard Center Book Award Finalist

    Why believe in God? If God exists, why doesn't he eliminate suffering and evil? Does evolution disprove Christianity? Can religion be explained by cognitive science? People have grappled for ages with these kinds of questions. And many in today's academic world find Christian belief untenable. But ...

  • IVP's podcasts offer bite-sized audio wisdom from diverse authors, experts, and thought leaders any time, any place. Whether you like to listen in the car, while you work, or at home, these engaging podcasts will expand your knowledge, enrich your faith, and help you stay up to date with what's happening in the church and wider culture.

  • Family Discipleship That Works: Guiding Your Child to Know, Love, and Act Like Jesus, By Brian Dembowczyk

    Family Discipleship That Works

    Guiding Your Child to Know, Love, and Act Like Jesus

    by Brian Dembowczyk

    Family discipleship is one of the most basic ways God has ordained to build his kingdom—and yet most parents struggle to do it consistently.

    Amid our busyness, the multitude of different approaches, and our own self-doubts, the deck seems stacked against us. But Brian Dembowczyk isn't here to pile on the guilt or to make us feel like failures. As a parent himself, he knows ...

  • Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God's Word for God's People, By Todd R. Hains

    Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith

    Reading God's Word for God's People

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Todd R. Hains
    Foreword by Robert Kolb

    Martin Luther considered the reading of God's word to be his primary task as a theologian, a pastor, and a Christian. Though he is often portrayed as reading the Bible with a bare approach of sola Scriptura—without any concern for previous generations’ interpretation—the truth is more complicated.

    In this New Explorations in Theology (NET) volume, Reformation scholar Todd ...

  • Carpe Diem Redeemed: Seizing the Day, Discerning the Times, By Os Guinness

    Carpe Diem Redeemed

    Seizing the Day, Discerning the Times

    by Os Guinness

    You only live once—if then. Life is short, and it can be as easily wasted as lived to the full. In our harried modern world, how do we make the most of the time we have?

    In these fast and superficial times, Os Guinness calls us to consequential living. As a contrast to both Eastern and secularist views of time, he restructures our very notion of history as linear ...