Showing 841 - 850 of 2020 results

  • Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls: A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices, Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    Spiritual Direction and the Care of Souls

    A Guide to Christian Approaches and Practices

    Edited by Gary W. Moon and David G. Benner

    In recent years, many Christian clergy, laity and mental health professionals have rediscovered the ancient practices of spiritual direction. Seen as a refreshing alternative to the techniques and limitations of modern psychology, such practices offer new insights for pastoral care. But many remain unclear on what spiritual direction is and whether its methods are applicable to their own clients ...

  • Evangelical, Sacramental, and Pentecostal: Why the Church Should Be All Three, By Gordon T. Smith

    Evangelical, Sacramental, and Pentecostal

    Why the Church Should Be All Three

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Evangelical. Sacramental. Pentecostal. Christian communities tend to identify with one of these labels over the other two. Evangelical churches emphasize the importance of Scripture and preaching. Sacramental churches emphasize the importance of the eucharistic table. And pentecostal churches emphasize the immediate presence and power of the Holy Spirit. But must we choose between them? Could the ...

  • Representing Christ: A Vision for the Priesthood of All Believers, By Uche Anizor and Hank Voss

    Representing Christ

    A Vision for the Priesthood of All Believers

    by Uche Anizor and Hank Voss

    The priesthood of all believers is a core Protestant belief. But what does it actually mean? Uche Anizor and Hank Voss set the record straight in this concise treatment of a doctrine that lies at the center of church life and Christian spirituality. The authors look at the priesthood of all believers in terms of the biblical witness, the contribution of Martin Luther and the doctrine of the Trinity. ...

  • The Message of Genesis 1–11, By David J. Atkinson

    The Message of Genesis 1–11

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David J. Atkinson

    Where do we come from? What is our purpose? The key to how and why we are is found in the early chapters of Genesis. In The Message of Genesis 1–11, David Atkinson explores how the first eleven chapters serve as an overture to the rest of the Bible. They evoke wonder as God is portrayed in his creative power and beauty. They reveal God's loving mercy and salvation, even ...

  • The Message of Genesis 12–50, By Joyce G. Baldwin

    The Message of Genesis 12–50

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Joyce G. Baldwin

    Genesis sets the scene for the whole of the Bible, and indeed the entire human drama. It is a book both of beginnings and of a new beginning—the dawn of the gospel. In this Bible Speaks Today commentary, Joyce G. Baldwin shows how the vivid narratives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph still speak to us today, highlighting God's ways of dealing with ordinary, imperfect people ...

  • The Gospel of St. John: A Newly Discovered Commentary, By J. B. Lightfoot

    The Gospel of St. John

    A Newly Discovered Commentary

    The Lightfoot Legacy Set

    by J. B. Lightfoot
    Edited by Ben Witherington III and Todd D. Still
    Assisted by Jeanette M. Hagen

    Preaching's Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference award

    InterVarsity Press is proud to present The Lightfoot Legacy, a three-volume set of previously unpublished material from J. B. Lightfoot, one of the great biblical scholars of the modern era. In the spring of 2013, Ben Witherington III discovered hundreds of pages of biblical commentary by Lightfoot in the Durham ...

  • Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire, By Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat

    Colossians Remixed

    Subverting the Empire

    by Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat

    Have we really heard the message of Colossians? Is this New Testament book just another religious text whose pretext is an ideological grab for dominating power? Reading Colossians in context, ancient and contemporary, can perhaps give us new ears to hear. In this innovative and refreshing book Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat explain our own sociocultural context to then help us get into ...

  • The Beautiful Community: Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best, By Irwyn L. Ince Jr.

    The Beautiful Community

    Unity, Diversity, and the Church at Its Best

    by Irwyn L. Ince Jr.
    Foreword by Timothy Keller

    Outreach Resource of the Year
    The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    The church is at its best when it pursues the biblical value of unity in diversity.

    Our world has been torn asunder by racial, ethnic, and ideological differences. It is seen in our politics, felt in our families, and ingrained in our theology. Sadly, the church has often reinforced ...

  • A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity, By Vince L. Bantu

    A Multitude of All Peoples

    Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity

    Missiological Engagements

    by Vince L. Bantu

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Christianity is not becoming a global religion. It has always been a global religion. The early Christian movement spread from Jerusalem in every direction, taking on local cultural expression all around the ancient world. So why do so many people see Christianity as a primarily Western, white religion?

    In ...

  • Genesis: An Introduction and Commentary, By Andrew E. Steinmann


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    Series edited by David G. Firth
    Consulting Editor Tremper Longman III
    by Andrew E. Steinmann

    Biblical Foundations Award Finalist

    Genesis is a book of origins: of the world, of sin, of God's promise of redemption, and of the people of Israel. It traces God's pledge of a Savior through Abraham's line down to his great-grandson Judah. It serves as a foundation for the New Testament and its teaching that Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promise to save humankind from ...