Showing 851 - 860 of 3945 results

  • Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers, By J. D. Payne

    Apostolic Church Planting

    Birthing New Churches from New Believers

    by J. D. Payne

    Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples. Pastor J. D. Payne explains the process and stages of church planting, with biblical foundations and practical steps for planting teams. He provides a pathway for the multiplication ...

  • Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God, By Matthew J. Lynch

    Flood and Fury

    Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

    by Matthew J. Lynch
    Foreword by Helen Paynter

    What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

    Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

    In ...

  • When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim

    When God Became White

    Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    Foreword by David P. Gushee

    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the ...

  • 40/40 Vision: Clarifying Your Mission in Midlife, By Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty

    40/40 Vision

    Clarifying Your Mission in Midlife

    by Peter Greer and Greg Lafferty
    Foreword by Bob Buford

    At midlife, our perspective can become blurry.

    Midlife is a disruptive season where we collide with limitations on all sides. We recognize there is more of life in the rearview mirror than on the road ahead of us. We wonder if our lives so far have been worthwhile. We are uncertain about what lies ahead.

    But midlife is also an opportunity to recalibrate our vision. It's ...

  • The Minor Prophets: A Theological Introduction, By Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The Minor Prophets

    A Theological Introduction

    by Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The good news from the Minor Prophets is that, even in dire times, God speaks.

    While the Minor Prophets are among the most succinct books of the Old Testament, their theological richness has much to offer us today. And not only did they have something to say to their original audience, but God continues to speak through their words in ways that are of utmost importance for ...

  • And She Lived Happily Ever After: Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman, By Skip McDonald

    And She Lived Happily Ever After

    Finding Fulfillment as a Single Woman

    by Skip McDonald

    No more kissing frogs! This is not a book about how to find a husband. This is not a book about whether or not to kiss dating goodbye. This is a book about living in grace and fulfillment as a single woman--written by a single woman. In these pages, Skip McDonald offers encouraging stories and practical help on

    • building a satisfying career
    • establishing a secure home
    • finding ...
  • Discover Joy in Work: Transforming Your Occupation into Your Vocation, By Shundrawn A. Thomas

    Discover Joy in Work

    Transforming Your Occupation into Your Vocation

    by Shundrawn A. Thomas

    We are meant to experience joy in our work. But many of us struggle to find a sense of purpose or fulfillment in what we do. Is it possible for us to truly flourish in our work?

    Business executive Shundrawn Thomas reveals how work is intended to produce lasting value and should be meaningful and productive. A healthy attitude toward work and the workplace requires intentionality ...

  • Foretaste of the Future: Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission, By Dean Flemming

    Foretaste of the Future

    Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission

    by Dean Flemming

    For many Christians, the book of Revelation inspires confusion and fear. It's seen as a coded screenplay for the end times, or it's just too strange to understand. The problem, Dean Flemming contends, is that when we read Revelation as focused on the future, we miss what it says about what God is doing in the world now.

    Revelation is one of the richest texts in Scripture ...

  • The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth, By Kristen Page

    The Wonders of Creation

    Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Kristen Page
    Contributions by Christina Bieber Lake, Noah J. Toly, and Emily Hunter McGowin

    When an author of fiction employs the imagination and sets characters in a new location, they are in a sense creating a world. Might such fictional worlds give us a deeper appreciation for our own?

    Many readers have found themselves, like the Pevensie children, transported by C. S. Lewis into Narnia, and they have traveled from Lantern Waste to Cair Paravel and the edge of ...

  • Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures, By John Goldingay Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures, By John Goldingay

    Biblical Theology

    The God of the Christian Scriptures

    by John Goldingay

    Imagine someone who has spent a lifetime listening deeply and attentively to the full range of Scripture's testimony. Stepping back, they now describe what they have seen and heard. What emerges is a theological cathedral, laid out on the great vectors of Scripture and fitted with biblically sourced materials. This is what John Goldingay has done. Well known for his three-volume Old Testament ...